Understanding the Wellness Benefits of CBD

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As you are no doubt aware, CBD is a chemical compound that has positive effects on both the body and the mind.** The effects of CBD on the body are well documented, from topical uses to sleep assistance, and more.** These effects are easy to track, because you can literally feel them. But to understand the full wellness benefits of CBD, perhaps it’s best to begin with a short primer on just what CBD is … and isn’t.

What Is CBD?

cbdfx tincture dropper mct oilCBD (or cannabidiol) belongs to a class of chemical compounds called cannabinoids. There are over a hundred different cannabinoids found in cannabis, with CBD being one of the most popular, along with THC. These plant-based cannabinoids are called phytocannabinoids, but they aren’t the only kinds of cannabinoids. The body itself produces cannabinoids, as part of its internal endocannabinoid system. This system regulates and balances many of the body’s most essential processes, including sleep, immune response, memory, communication between cells, appetite and metabolism, and more. When we consume phytocannabinoids, they bind to receptors in the endocannabinoid system, called CB1 and CB2 receptors, to give added support to this system and, thus, support the body’s overall wellness.**

Does CBD Get You High?

Unlike its sibling, THC, cannabidiol most definitely does not get you “high.” In fact, hemp-extracted CBD, by law, must not exceed 0.03% THC. CBD is a wellness product.

Despite this, CBD and hemp in general were stigmatized for many years in the government’s war on marijuana. This association prevented not only the cultivation of hemp (and hemp-extracted CBD) for decades, but it also put essential research on the backburner. 

But two events have pushed things back in a more positive direction for CBD in recent years. First, remarkably, the endocannabinoid system in the human body was not discovered until the 1990s. This discovery opened a whole new world of insight into the way the human body works, and the way it can be positively affected by cannabinoids, like CBD. Since that time, we have come to learn a great deal about this fascinating and essential system. 

Then, in 2018, a Farm Bill was passed in the U.S. that legalized the regulated production of hemp. This opened things up not only for the sale of CBD and other hemp-related products, but also the supporting research on their benefits. So, we are getting somewhat of a late start on the study of CBD and its effects on the body, but exciting progress is being made.

CBD for Calming Wellness

cbdfx calm downPeople often refer to the calming benefits of CBD as a “chill.” CBD calms the nerves and, thus, is often used to take the edge off of nervousness.** Being able to decompress is important for everyday wellness and quality of life. When we settle the nerves, we can focus with renewed energy on the positives in life.

Finding the Best CBD Product

The great thing about CBD, is that it comes in a variety of forms, designed for different needs. For daily wellness support, there are ample CBD oil tinctures, CBD Morning Capsules, CBD Multivitamins and other gummies, and more. 

Make sure, wherever you shop, that you find a company that is transparent with third-party lab reports, so that you know you’re getting pure, high-quality CBD. And from there, experiment to find what works best for you. We hope we can help you on your journey to wellness.

Looking for the perfect CBD product for your wellness needs? Check out our best-selling CBD Gummies collection.