Different Types of CBD: How to Shop for CBD Capsules

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While they don’t get as much attention as their cousins, CBD gummies and CBD oil tinctures, CBD capsules are a very popular and handy way to work CBD into your daily routine. 

Capsules are discreet, have long-lasting effects, and are perfect for people who want to avoid the taste of CBD or hemp oil.

CBD capsules come in many types, in formulations for different purposes, and with additional ingredients. We’re here today to help you navigate the world of CBD capsules, including how to pick the highest-quality CBD and what to look for in a product. 

How CBD Capsules Work

softgelcapsulesLet’s begin with a quick overview of what CBD is and how it works. Understanding this is important to understanding how CBD capsules work with your body.

Understanding CBD Capsules: How Does CBD Work?

CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is a molecular compound, called a cannabinoid, found in the cannabis plant. There’s an enormous variety of cannabinoids in addition to CBD, including CBG, CBC, CBN, and, of course, THC

It’s important to distinguish, when talking about any CBD product, that we are talking about CBD derived from the type of cannabis plant called hemp. The hemp plant (unlike marijuana) contains almost no THC, other than legally allowed trace amounts (less than 0.3%).

Unlike THC, other cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, etc.) don’t get you high. Instead, they work on their own and in concert with each other to impart a host of other therapeutic benefits. How?

Cannabinoids interact with our bodies through the endocannabinoid system. This system is closely integrated with our central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and systems that regulate sleep, mood, digestion, immune response, and more. Receptors in the endocannabinoid system interact with the cannabinoids we ingest, and pass along benefits to the system they’re associated with.

Understanding CBD Capsules: CBD and the Entourage Effect

flavanoids verticaltextWhen multiple cannabinoids (including CBD) are ingested together, they actually work together in harmony to achieve what’s known as the Entourage Effect. This is a synergistic effect where each element enhances the overall effect while also modifying the individual effects of other elements. In other words, when you take CBD with another cannabinoid, like CBG, each one works harder than if you had taken them separately. So, when you take multiple cannabinoids together, you get more out of your CBD.

Two other common compounds also work in concert with cannabinoids. They’re called terpenes and flavonoids. Terpenes are the compounds that give plants their scent, and flavonoids are compounds that give plants their color. But don’t underestimate them — they do much, much more. Each of these compounds carries a host of healthful benefits on its own, and even more so when combined for synergy.

Understanding CBD Capsules: How They Work in Your Body

cbdfx uk photo lifestyle gummies apple cider vinegar mg apr Believe it or not, the way you consume CBD has an impact on your overall CBD experience. For instance, inhaling CBD by vaping is the quickest way to feel results, but the effects don’t last as long as they do from a CBD tincture, although a tincture requires a little longer to take effect.

CBD capsules work in the same way as edibles, like CBD gummies or CBD cookies. They are slower to take effect, because CBD capsules have to be processed by your digestive system and metabolized by your body before they kick in. This can take 20 minutes to two hours, depending on your body size, metabolism and tolerance.

This may seem disappointing at first, but the upside is that the effects of a CBD capsule can last from six to eight hours.

Exclusive Mockups for Branding and Packaging DesignWhere homemade edibles, like brownies, used to be a bit of a wild card because it was difficult to know how much CBD might be in one serving, CBD capsules are convenient and precise — they’re formulated with specific amounts of CBD and other ingredients.

With CBD capsules, you always know exactly how much CBD and other ingredients you’re ingesting.

How to Find the Best CBD Capsules

These days, CBD products appear everywhere, from local dispensaries to gas station counters. And the internet is essentially the Wild West when it comes to quality and concentration. How do you know what to look for, and how can you be sure the CBD capsules you purchase are safe and effective?  

Quality of CBD Oil

cbd oil@xAll quality products share one common denominator — quality ingredients. This is an essential truth to remember when shopping for CBD capsules or any CBD products. Quality first, last, and always. And that begins with where your CBD was grown and how.

Hemp is known as a phytoremediator. That means it’s incredibly good at removing toxins, like heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals, from the soil it grows in. This cleans the soil, restoring it to health. Where do all those chemicals go? Right into the hemp plant.

That’s why you want to make sure the CBD you use comes from organic, pesticide-free, non-GMO farms. You also want to make sure the CBD in your capsules was taken from the hemp plant using CO2 extraction. The CO2 extraction method doesn’t leave behind potentially harmful residues in the CBD like some solvents do.

The next quality indicator to look for in your CBD capsule is the presence of a lab report from a third-party analysis. This will tell you exactly what is and isn’t in your product, including the presence of any pesticides, toxins, and THC.

Full Spectrum CBD vs. Broad Spectrum CBD vs. CBD Isolate

Once you know your CBD capsule comes from a quality source, you want to know what kind of CBD you’re ingesting. We use two types of CBD oil to make CBD capsules: full spectrum CBD and broad spectrum CBD.

full spectrumFull spectrum CBD contains all the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids present in the hemp plant, including legally allowed trace amounts (0.3%) of THC.


broad spectrumBroad spectrum CBD filters out the remaining amounts of THC, leaving you with a robust mix of non-psychoactive cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.


Both full spectrum CBD and broad spectrum CBD products are capable of achieving the Entourage Effect. However, full spectrum is the most effective at this. When we use broad spectrum, we often boost it with other specific cannabinoids.

For those who want to avoid ingesting any THC, broad spectrum CBD is the way to go.

More Than CBD: Know Your Cannabinoids

It’s important to know at least a little about other cannabinoids, like CBG and CBN, because they’re often added to CBD capsule formulas to help achieve specific effects. For example, when combined with CBD, CBG is believed by many to have a focusing effect, making it easier to stay alert and concentrate. CBN, on the other hand, is known to work alongside CBD for what fans describe as a calming, soothing effect.

Also, don’t sleep on terpenes and flavonoids! Certain terpene blends enhance the Entourage Effect, making your choice capsule even more effective. 

You want to know if the CBD capsule you’re enjoying is formulated for a specific purpose, and what other active ingredients it might contain. Often, people choose CBD capsules for a particular reason, for instance to help them get a good night’s rest, or to get a head start on the day. These capsules are typically made with other cannabinoids as well as additional ingredients to boost CBD’s effects and add their own unique touch. Sleep capsules are often made with natural rest-promoting ingredients, like valerian or chamomile, and morning capsules might contain caffeine.

CBD Capsule Guide: Shop for the Best CBD Capsules

Now that we’re done with the fundamentals, let’s look at some of our favorite CBD capsules!  

We’re going to showcase our CBDfx products, and not just because you’re on our blog. It’s also because we know the CBD in all of our products (capsules included!) comes from organic farms, and all CBDfx CBD products are accompanied by third-party lab reports. 

Oh, and we like them.

CBD Soft Gel Capsules

cbdfx soft gel capsules mgThese no-nonsense CBD capsules are made with full spectrum CBD with a rich cannabinoid profile, and are supported by a terpene blend designed to enhance and support the Entourage Effect. The only other ingredient in these capsules is the coconut-derived MCT oil that helps protect CBD from breaking down while it’s digested, and makes it easier for your body to absorb. This is the simplest, most straightforward way to experience full spectrum CBD, with no other special ingredients to promote something specific, like rest or focus.

CBD + CBG Morning Capsules

cbdfx morning capsules mgThese CBD capsules are specially created to give you the boost you need to tackle the day. We combine 30mg of broad spectrum CBD per serving with 5mg of CBG for that focus-enhancing effect that CBG aficionados report, plus we added 500mg of L-tyrosine, an amino acid that promotes focus and has antioxidant properties. Finally, we include extended-release caffeine to keep you energized, while avoiding jitters and a crash. 

CBD + CBN Night Capsules

cbdfx night capsules mgAs you can guess by the name, these capsules are designed to deliver a deeply restful night’s sleep. Our mixture of 2.5mg of CBN to 30mg of broad spectrum CBD per serving, along with the addition of a special terpene blend, provides a beautifully chill Entourage Effect. We didn’t stop there, but added sleep- and mood-improving natural supplements valerian, magnesium and GABA for an amazingly relaxing evening.

How to Buy CBD Capsules: The Final Word

One of our favorite aspects of choosing CBD capsules is that they’re long-lasting and discreet. You can easily keep and consume them at the office, the gym, or wherever you need to benefit from the therapeutic benefits of CBD. 

No matter where or how you shop for CBD capsules, remember to look for high-quality ingredients and CBD that comes from organic sources. Check those lab reports. And, most importantly, have a great time!

Our CBD Morning and Night Capsules are also available in a set. Check it out today!