Recent Blogs
Jul 08, 2024 By Clay Steakley

Different Types of CBD: How to Shop for CBD Gummies

CBD gummies are one of the most popular ways to consume CBD, and to benefit from its therapeutic effects. And there are good reasons for this popularity — CBD gummies are tasty, deliver a long-lasting experience, and are definitely more fun than swallowing a capsule.  But there’s a lot more to the humble CBD gummy […]

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Jun 10, 2024 By Clay Steakley

5 Tips to Help Your Dog’s Joints

We think of joint discomfort as issues for older dogs, but keeping your furry friend’s joints healthy is a lifelong process that begins when they’re puppies.   Aging is inevitable, but some of the conditions and discomfort that come with it aren’t. A few simple preventative practices can help you keep your dog’s joints healthy […]

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Apr 22, 2024 By Clay Steakley

CBD for a More Productive Work Day

Adulting is hard. It seems like there are never enough hours in the day, we’re pressed to be ever-increasingly efficient, we’ve never gotten quite enough sleep, and things are always going to slow down “next week.”  But things never really do slow down. How can we do all the things and still actually enjoy ourselves? […]

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Apr 15, 2024 By Clay Steakley

Top 5 Sleep Hacks

Lately, it can feel like a good night’s sleep is the Holy Grail. You search and search, but it’s always outside your reach. We talk a lot about habits and triggers that interfere with the quality of our sleep, like caffeine, blue light from screens, and stress. But what about the things that help us […]

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Apr 08, 2024 By Clay Steakley

Is CBD Safe for Pets?

According to a 2024 survey, 66% of Americans own a pet. That’s 86.9 million households caring for some kind of animal buddy. It’s safe to say we love our animals.  When it comes to our fur babies, we want to provide a safe home and a long, healthy, happy life. You’ve probably read about the […]

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Mar 02, 2024 By Clay Steakley

CBD for Sleep

Lack of sleep is becoming an epidemic, and CBD is one of the most popular sleep aids of the moment.** With a year (and counting) of lockdowns, economic woes, and more weighing on us, it’s no surprise that sleep is one of our biggest concerns. Half of all Americans feel sleepy during the day because […]

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Nov 20, 2023 By Clay Steakley

Hit Your Holiday Fitness Goals With CBD for Energy and Recovery

If you’re thinking about holiday fitness goals and CBD, now is the time to act. We’re creeping up on the time of year I have started calling “The Season of Baked Goods.” The days from October 1 to New Year’s Eve are a cavalcade of candy, cakes, comfort food, cookies, cookies, and more cookies. Don’t […]

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Nov 01, 2023 By Clay Steakley

Dogs, Cats, and CBD

Does CBD work for dogs and cats? Is it safe? How do we know how much to give them? Pet owners have a lot of questions about CBD for pets. Fortunately, we have a lot of answers. We share more with our furry friends than a home and companionship. Our pets can feel get stressed […]

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Oct 11, 2023 By Clay Steakley

CBD vs CBN: A Guide to Cannabinol

You’re probably here because you’re already familiar with CBD, and maybe even its less famous cousin, CBG. Perhaps, you’ve even dipped your toe into the pool of legal THC products, as well. Now, you’re seeing the term CBN pop up in various health products and, perhaps, you’re starting to get confused, annoyed, or both. What […]

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