Take Action

For more than 90 years, Catholic Rural Life has been a vital part of rural America. CRL has a national network of members, donors, and contacts including diocesan bishops, priests, women and men religious, social ministry directors, university faculty, non-profit and government workers, farmers, advocates for rural and environmental issues and supporters like you.

Here are some ways you can help the mission of Catholic Rural Life, and help promote the vitality of the American countryside.

Become a Member

By becoming a member, you support CRL’s mission of applying the teachings of the Church for the care of family farms, rural communities, and the created order. With your dues, you’ll also receive a complimentary copy of our Catholic Rural Life magazine, published 3-4 times a year, as well as invitations to events CRL participates in within your region.

Learn more in our membership brochure, and visit our membership page when you’re ready to join us!

Donate to CRL

As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generous support of people like you. Your contributions directly aid CRL’s work and programs, such as our Life in Christ lay leadership program, our Faith, Food & the Environment initiative, and our Catholic Rural Life magazine. Make a one-time contribution or make a re-occcuring donation–the choice is yours. Either way, know that CRL appreciates your support!

Read our donation brochure to learn more about how your financial support helps CRL and the American countryside, and visit our donation page to make your contribution.

Sign-up for Our Free eNewsletter

One of the most important ways of staying involved is staying informed: keeping track of the various issues facing rural communities, family farms and the stewardship of creation. Catholic Rural Life has a free newsletter that keeps you informed. Once you subscribe, you’ll receive a bi-monthly email updating you on the most pressing issues facing the rural America and what CRL is doing to address them.

Get Involved with a local CRL Chapter

CRL Chapters are grassroots efforts to address challenges facing rural communities from a community, parish or diocese level. Catholic Rural Life has actively supported the development and work of such CRL chapters with great success, and we’re happy to provide a guidance for thinking about the purpose, structure, and role of these types of efforts.

Share Initiatives

Here at Catholic Rural Life, we’re always looking for inspiring stories of faith in action in rural America. Know a farmer who strives to incorporate Catholic teaching into his or her work? Or a lay leader who goes the extra mile in rural ministry and outreach? These are the types of stories that we love to hear, and, in turn, share with our community of members in the Catholic Rural Life magazine. If you or someone you know is helping advance the teachings of Christ in rural America, we want to know about it!

Contact Annie Huntington, Project Coordinator, to share your story: Annie@CatholicRuralLife.org


CRL welcomes volunteers to help with:

– Setting up Rural Life Celebration in your diocese, or get involved with a CRL chapter in your community.
– Outreach to nonprofit organizations creating jobs, training leaders, and fighting poverty in rural communities.
– Recruiting rural parishes and participants for our Life in Christ lay leadership program.
– Keeping in touch with CRL staff around regional/local issues affecting our rural communities.
– Raising money to support and expand our programs.


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