Welcome Home

Improving families lives through relocation from motels to apartments

What We Do

Long displaced as family vacation destinations, motels now house an uneasy confluence of drug addicts, registered sex offenders, and criminals. Due to the lack of affordable housing and transitional housing and stymied by high rents throughout the region-these motels have also become de-facto vouchered housing for homeless families. Many families living in the motel have full-time jobs and provide for at least 2-3 children. Being able to afford and save the first and last months’ rent, as well as a security deposit on a family-friendly apartment is often a prohibitive upfront expense to families trying to get out of the motels.

The Welcome Home program remedies motel living by raising funds to provide families with the push they need to get out of the motel and into an apartment or condo. Caterina’s Club partners with Mercy House and Illumination Foundation to identify these families, provide necessary case managing, financial advising, and eventually the first/last months’ rent and deposit due at move-in. In addition to covering the move-in cost, Caterina’s Club collects donated furniture, appliances, and other home goods to jump-start these families’ new lives.

To date, Caterina’s Club has successfully relocated 268 families.

Residential motels are estimated to be in Anaheim that house homeless families
Of homeless children move up to 3 times a year and the constant worry that they will have no place to live, takes a significant toll on their schooling, and personal development
0 %
Children are estimated to be homeless in Orange County
0 %

Our Impact


Families have been relocated to apartments


Individuals housed


Success rate (families still in home)

Our Partners

OC Homelessness

(source: 2019 Point In Time Count)
Transitional Age Youth
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