This data may not be reflective of the current, published version of the Handbook. To access the most recent version of the Handbook, please visit

Care and Responsibility of Service Animals

The responsibility, care and handling of service animals on the JWU campus are the responsibility of the owner. Outlined below are expectations for the care, handling and responsibility by the owner:

  • JWU is not responsible for the care and supervision of service animals. Service animals must be well cared for, clean, hygienic and in good health.
  • The animal’s owner is responsible for the cost, care and supervision of the service animals, including
    • compliance with any laws pertaining to animal licensing, vaccination and owner identification
    • proof of flea prevention
    • proof of sterilization (spayed/neutered)
    • proof of vaccinations for
      • rabies
      • distemper
      • leptospirosis
      • bordetella
      • fecal OVA and parasite screening with negative result
      • any other state-required vaccination for the respective animal
  • The owner is responsible for keeping the animal under control and taking effective action when it is out of control. The owner is solely responsible for the behavior of the service animal including any and all damage or injury to persons or property caused by the animal. In all cases, the owner of the animal will agree to hold harmless Johnson & Wales University for any damage or injury to others. 
  • In all cases, the owner of the animal is responsible for the animal’s behavior and is subject to disciplinary action via the Conduct Review Process.

Feeding, Walking and Disposing of Waste

A service animal must be housebroken. The owner is responsible for the cleanup of the animal's waste and, when appropriate, disposal of the animal’s waste in areas and methods designated by the university consistent with the reasonable capacity of the owner. Waste disposal via university plumbing is prohibited in university residences, academic buildings or administrative buildings. Generally, outside trash receptacles are appropriate. Please check with Residential Life or Facilities staff for guidance. JWU will not require any surcharges or fees for a service animal in JWU residence halls, because it is a disability-related accommodation. However, the animal’s owner may be charged for damage caused by a service animal to the same extent that JWU would charge any person for damage caused to university property. 

The owner’s university residence may be inspected for pests once a semester, or as otherwise needed. If pests are detected, the residence will be treated using a university-approved pest control service. Pest-treatment expenses incurred above and beyond standard pest management in the residence halls will be the responsibility of the owner. Additionally, cleaning and repair expenses incurred above and beyond standard cleaning and repair are the responsibility of the owner.

The service animal may not be left overnight in the residence hall to be cared for by another student. A student resident will be permitted to have no more than one animal due to the combined residential living space.