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Tobacco-Free Policy

I. Scope and Application

A. This Tobacco-Free Policy (Policy) applies to all persons who attend Johnson & Wales University (JWU) as students, work at the university, or visit the university, whether as contractors, guests, speakers, vendors, or otherwise (collectively, Covered Persons”).

II. Definitions

A. Tobacco means bidis, blunts, chewing tobacco, cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, dip, electronic cigars or cigarettes, hookahs, pipes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, or any other items containing or reasonably resembling tobacco or prohibited products.
B. University Facilities means any university leased, owned, or operated premises, including but not limited to athletic facilities, classrooms, common areas, conference rooms, elevators, hallways, housing, loading docks, meeting rooms, offices, recreational facilities, residential halls, restrooms stairs, university grounds, vehicles, and any other enclosed or unenclosed facilities.

III. Statement of Policy

A. All advertisement, distribution, possession, sale, or use of Tobacco is strictly prohibited at all times by Covered Persons in any University Facilities or outside of University Facilities in connection with any university-sponsored activity, class, course, event (whether academic, athletic, educational, or social), program, or publication.
B. It is the responsibility of all members of the university community to comply with this Policy, and it is expected that both smokers and nonsmokers will cooperate by complying in an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration. All members of the university community should promote compliance by politely reminding Covered Persons that Johnson & Wales University is a tobacco-free campus, as necessary.
C. Employees may direct questions or concerns about this Policy to Human Resources. Students may direct questions or concerns about this Policy to Student Affairs.

IV. Policy Owner and Contact

A. Associate Dean for Counseling, Health and Wellness

V. Effective Date and Revisions

A. Original: 2016
B. Revised: August 2022