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Business Studies - B.S.

The Business Studies bachelor’s degree program offers a general business education to individuals already holding an associate degree or equivalent in any field. Earning the bachelor’s degree will generally require two additional years of study.

The program’s curriculum builds on the College of Business core courses to establish a broad overview of traditional business areas including management, accounting, marketing and operations. Students also take courses through the College of Arts & Sciences to help ensure they acquire skills important for professional success and lifelong personal and intellectual growth.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Apply the major concepts, skills and values of business administration.
  • Communicate effectively to diverse audiences, purposes and situations through a variety of professional methods within business administration.
  • Use decision support tools to resolve contemporary business issues using ethical business practices.

The general business competencies and skills gained through this program are designed to complement the candidate's associate degree education.

Business Studies

A four-year program leading to the bachelor of science degree for graduates of two-year associate degree programs or equivalent

First two years:60-63
Associate degree or equivalent. Students must meet program's general education requirements listed below.
in Baking & Pastry Arts
in Culinary Arts
Third and fourth years:
Business Foundations
ACCT1210Financial Accounting3
ACCT1220Managerial Accounting3
BUS1001Introduction to Business and Management3
BUS3010Business Analytics3
BUS4030Global Strategy Capstone3
CAR0010Career Management1
FIT1040Spreadsheet Design for Business Solutions3
LAW2001The Legal Environment of Business I3
MGMT2001Human Resource Management3
MGMT2020Organizational Dynamics3
MGMT2030Operations and Supply Chain Management I3
MRKT1001Marketing Foundations3
Choose one of the following: 3
Managerial Technology
Process and Quality Management
A&S Core Experience
Integrative Learning 3
One ILS course at the 4000 level
Arts and Humanities 6
Ethics: A Global Perspective
One course from ART, HIST, HUM, LIT or REL
Statistics I
Social Sciences 6
One course from ANTH, LEAD, PSCI, PSYC or SOC
A&S Electives3
Total Credits61.0
Four-Year Credit Total121.0-124.0

** General Education Requirements

All students are required to complete a science course i.e. PHY, BIO, CHM, SCI and MATH1002 A Survey of College Mathematics  (or higher, based on student's placement) or its equivalent. 

For students without an awarded Associate in Science degree from a regionally accredited institution, the following courses are required in order to meet minimum accreditation standards.

Transcripts for these students will be evaluated to determine transfer credit eligibility for the following courses:

ENG1020Rhetoric & Composition I3
ENG1021Rhetoric & Composition II3
ENG1030Communication Skills3
MATH1002A Survey of College Mathematics (or higher, based on student's placement)3
ScienceOne course from BIO, CHM, PHY or SCI3
A&S ElectivesTwo courses with an EASC attribute6
** Students must complete 14 courses (at least 42 credits) of general studies within the BS degree.

Students who graduate with a bachelor's degree must leave Johnson & Wales University with effective writing skills to fulfill the graduation writing requirement. These writing skills are assessed in ENG1021 Rhetoric & Composition II. Students who have met the requirement of ENG1021 Rhetoric & Composition II or ENG1027 Honors Advanced Composition and Communications: Civic Discourse outside of Johnson & Wales University must fulfill the graduation writing requirement through successful completion of ENG0001 Writing Workshop.

In collaboration with academic colleges across all JWU campuses, JWU Global Study Abroad programs offer a variety of international options for major, minor, arts and sciences, and elective credit at many affordable price points for students during the academic year, break periods, and summer. Faculty-led, exchange, affiliate, and direct-enroll programs range in duration from one week to a full semester or full year. Financial aid may be applied and scholarships are available. Visit the study abroad website for information, program descriptions and online applications. Where will you go?