This data may not be reflective of the current, published version of the Handbook. To access the most recent version of the Handbook, please visit

Outcomes Assessment

University Outcomes

Professional Competence

Graduates will demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to succeed in their chosen profession.

Foundation for Lifelong Learning

Graduates will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary for lifelong learning, including competence in communication, critical and creative thinking, quantitative and scientific reasoning, and the ability to evaluate, integrate and apply knowledge from multiple perspectives when making decisions and solving problems.

Global and Community Citizenship

Graduates will demonstrate the necessary skills, including an awareness of ethical responsibility and cultural/global diversity, to live and work collaboratively as contributing members of society.

JWU is committed to outcomes assessment. Faculty and students are therefore part of an ongoing effort to determine and refine the effectiveness of instruction and learning. Names of individual students will not be used when reporting results.