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COVID-19 Conduct Protocol

Johnson & Wales University remains committed to mitigating the risks of COVID-19 and maintaining a positive campus community and online environment for living, learning and working. The Student Code of Conduct supports this goal by identifying shared expectations that keep our community healthy.  Now, more than ever, we all need to reflect on and embody the Wildcat Way: Pride, Courage, Character, and Community.

The COVID-19 pandemic is ever changing, and so is applicable local, state, and federal guidance. Students should stay apprised of, and at all times comply with, applicable local, state, and federal guidance relating to COVID-19; if that guidance becomes more stringent than the requirements here, students should comply with the more stringent requirements. Students should also stay informed and pay close attention to JWU communications that provide updates and specific instructions.  As with all of its codes, policies, and standards, JWU reserves the right to modify this code at any time and for any reason without notice to you.

Students (whether on or off campus), are expected to abide by all federal, state, local, and JWU guidelines and regulations implemented to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Failure to do so may result in a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and action through the Conduct Review Process. Students who are found responsible for violations related to the COVID-19 Conduct Protocol may face sanctions including, but not limited to, university suspension or dismissal.

The following are some examples of the behavioral expectations of the university with regard to COVID-19 mitigation strategies:

Restrictions on Social Gatherings

In order to decrease the number of people who could become infected with COVID-19, there are limits on the number of people who may congregate in one place. Students living in off-campus apartments should adhere to federal, state, and local guidelines limiting the number of people who may gather together. In some locations, gatherings may be limited to the people with whom you live, and students must comply with these federal, state, and local guidelines regarding whether gatherings may include people who do not live with you. Students should consider whether there are stay at home advisories in effect under federal, state, or local law when planning their activities and comply with all such advisories. As a reminder, off-campus commuting students should also refer to the Good Neighbor Policy.

Face Coverings

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has advised that wearing a cloth face covering can slow the spread of COVID-19. All students are expected to follow the federal, state, and local guidelines related to face coverings. Students are required to always wear a face covering while they are indoors (with the exception of their own residence hall room, while eating, and other specifically designated areas/circumstances). Students are also expected to wear their face coverings when outdoors insofar as required by federal, state, and local regulations. Students are expected to follow the direction of university representatives regarding the use of face coverings on campus.

Physical Distancing Guidelines

The CDC recommends that you limit close contact to other individuals. Specifically, you should maintain at least a 6-foot distance from others, in both indoor and outdoor spaces. It is important that you are respectful of other people’s space and maintain the appropriate amount of distance. Students are expected to follow the identified travel patterns in all university buildings/locations.

Residential Life Rules/Policies

Students living in JWU residence halls must abide by the rules put in place to keep their residential community safe. Specific policies and expectations related to guests, group gatherings, and other responses to COVID-19 must be followed. Students are expected to follow the direction of any Residential Life staff/team member or university representative.

Health Monitoring/Reporting

Students are expected to monitor their health for any symptoms associated with COVID-19 (which includes temperature checking) on a daily basis. When asked, students must accurately and honestly report symptoms or risk factors for COVID-19. Students who feel ill or have a fever may not attend class/events and must contact Health Services for further instruction. The university will give additional instructions about health monitoring/reporting in the future as appropriate, and students will be required to follow any such instructions.  Such monitoring may require use of technology (such as telephone apps) or may entail other means of monitoring.  Even if not required, when available, students are strongly encouraged to utilize technology (such as telephone apps) that is made available through state and local government to assist in contact tracing and resource sharing.

Quarantine and Self-Isolation

When instructed by a JWU official or health care professional, students must abide by the directives to quarantine or self-isolate. During a quarantine or self-isolation period, students must comply with all instructions provided by the JWU official or health care professional.

Conduct in On-Line/Virtual Settings

As always, students are expected to act civilly and respectfully, in all environments, including on-line, social media, and virtual settings. Students should be mindful of their communications (phone, videoconferencing, email, etc.) with faculty, staff, and other students.

Instructions and Directives Related to Health and Safety

When a JWU official or health care professional gives any student instructions or directives related to health or safety of that student, other students, university employees, or the university community at large, the student must comply with such instructions or directives.  Given the evolving nature of the pandemic, JWU cannot foresee all such instructions and directives and may need to give instructions and directives not specifically addressed in this COVID-19 Conduct Protocol.  It is critical that students comply with such instructions and directives for their health and safety and the health and safety of others.