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Good Neighbor Policy

Living off-campus is a maturing experience, which carries certain responsibilities. Students living in the community are representatives of Johnson & Wales and their behavior reflects directly on the university.

Off-campus students must understand and appreciate that residents of a particular community have made a long-term commitment to their neighborhood; students are transient members of the community and usually remain only for the duration of their academic tenure. The quality of life and the overall character of a neighborhood can be greatly influenced by the behavior exercised by student residents. Displaying a respectful and courteous attitude may make the neighborhood a more pleasant place to live. In fact, some students may find participating in community service activities furthers their sense of belonging in their neighborhood.

Families living in the neighborhoods around campus have the right to enjoy a reasonable level of peace and quiet. Students’ academic and personal schedules often conflict with the more routine schedules of families. Students are expected to exercise good judgment and be sensitive to the needs of their neighbors.

Rowdiness, public drunkenness, disorderly conduct, and people partying outside with loud music or other noise late into the night is inconsistent with the university’s behavioral expectations.

Johnson & Wales University Campus Safety & Security will respond to complaints from neighbors and others when behavior occurs off-campus that is inconsistent with the behavioral expectations of the university, and students will be subject to the university's Conduct Review Process and resulting sanctions when a violation of the Student Code of Conduct occurs. The university may find student tenants of an off-campus residence responsible for a violation of the Good Neighbor Policy that occurs at their address, regardless of their presence at the time of the incident.

The following are some examples of the behavioral expectations of the university with regard to off-campus living:


Music and general noise should be maintained at reasonable levels and in accordance with relevant laws and ordinances. Music should be directed toward the interior of the residence. Students should remind visitors to exercise common courtesy when visiting, to refrain from excessive shouting between the street and the house, and to limit vehicle noise whenever possible. 


Students are expected to observe all city ordinances and exercise courtesy and common sense. Students and their visitors should not obstruct the street or private driveways, or park on someone else’s property without permission. For students’ own safety, as well as that of their neighbors, students must abide by all traffic laws and drive responsibly. 


Students and their guests shall respect the property of their landlord, host and neighbors. They are to refrain from the destruction, defacing or littering of property.

Verbal Harassment

Students should not engage in verbal harassment, profanity and fighting words directed toward others. Rather, when the potential for conflict develops, students are encouraged to seek assistance from Campus Safety & Security.


Physical assault and confrontational behavior are unacceptable. If a volatile situation occurs, students are expected to walk away until the concerns can be appropriately addressed. Additionally, students can seek assistance from Campus Safety & Security and/or local law enforcement.

Alcoholic Beverages

The use of alcoholic beverages should be in accordance with all state and local laws.

Responsibility and the Social Host

When entertaining guests, students must understand that, in addition to the Conduct Review Process, students may also be subject to civil and criminal liability if their guests act irresponsibly. As a social host, a student assumes significant risks associated with state and local laws regulating drinking age, noise and public safety when the student hosts a party. Court decisions have found the social host to be liable for personal injury and property damage caused to third parties as a result of the irresponsible service of alcohol to guests. This liability is compounded when minors are involved.