This data may not be reflective of the current, published version of the Handbook. To access the most recent version of the Handbook, please visit

Commuter and Community Relations

Student Affairs oversees the relationship between JWU and local citizens in the neighborhoods and districts where students live and spend time. Working with government officials, community organizations, civic leaders, property owners and residents, the office serves as a liaison between the university community and local community on matters involving JWU students off campus.

Off-Campus Student Services (OCSS) serves and supports commuter students in their academic and personal development. OCSS provides advocacy, assistance and services for students who commute and live in the JWU community. Whether a student needs to find a resource on campus, help in mediation of an off-campus housing issue or guidance any time from orientation to graduation, OCSS is the first point of contact for commuting students.

Students living off-campus can find the following resources available on jwuLink:

  • The university’s Good Neighbor Policy
  • Off-campus housing
  • Off-campus safety and security questions
  • Landlord/tenant issues (including owner disputes and rental property condition)
  • Housing code enforcement
  • Parking ordinances
  • Public works (DPW) requirements

Please contact the appropriate campus for more information. Contact information can be found on the JWU Directory.

Providence Campus

  • Off-Campus Student Services at The Den
  • Director, Off-Campus Student Services
  • Campus Safety & Security

North Miami Campus

  • Dean of Students
  • Campus Safety & Security

Denver Campus

  • Associate Dean of Students
  • Campus Safety & Security

Charlotte Campus

  • Associate Dean of Campus Life
  • Campus Safety & Security