This data may not be reflective of the current, published version of the Handbook. To access the most recent version of the Handbook, please visit


The purpose of the university’s attendance policy is to help students develop a self-directed, professional attitude toward their studies and maximize their educational opportunities. Regular class attendance provides fundamental educational value and offers the most effective means to gain command of the course concepts and materials.

Students are expected to attend all classes, arrive on time and remain for the entire class period, and report to class fully prepared with all required materials. To meet these expectations, students must arrange course schedules that minimize conflict with other commitments, including personal commitments, work, or participation in athletics or other university-sanctioned events. When students encounter difficulty meeting these requirements, they must actively engage their faculty member to discuss the concern.

Individual faculty define the specific role that class attendance plays in the calculation of final grades for each course. Additionally, excessive absences in certain courses may result in withdrawal from the course at the instructor’s discretion. Students should consult the course syllabus and course instructor for specific faculty policies on attendance and make-up work within a course. Student Academic Services does not issue excused absences from class. Students must contact their course instructor directly to discuss past or future absences.

For the purposes of financial aid and verification of enrollment, a student is considered enrolled in the semester by the census date if they are in attendance by the third class meeting for 16 week courses, or by the second meeting for classes or labs that meet only once per week or run for less than 16 weeks. For online courses, a student is considered enrolled by the census date if they complete the first stated assignment or activity by the due date. If students do not meet these criteria, they will be withdrawn without academic penalty from the course (i.e., as never attended) and, when appropriate, issued a tuition adjustment in accordance with the Tuition and Fees Credit Policy.

 If students do not meet these criteria, they will be withdrawn without academic penalty from the course (i.e., as never attended) and, when appropriate, issued a tuition adjustment in accordance with the Tuition and Fees Credit Policy.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify Student Academic & Financial Services of any courses that they wish to drop from their schedule, as well as any intent to leave the university. Discontinuing attendance or notifying an instructor does not constitute an official course or university withdrawal. 

College of Food Innovation & Technology (Laboratory Courses)

The culinary/baking and pastry arts laboratories are professionally focused, skill-oriented learning experiences. The daily exercises in each laboratory course are unique and not repeated. Students must attend every class to maximize their educational opportunities. Since hands-on tasks are integral to skill development, production and/or service, a significant part of the laboratory grade depends on students attending class and being fully engaged in the individual and team assignments of a particular lab. Excessive absences in a 15-day lab will result in a production grade reduction and may lead to a student being withdrawn from the course. 

In the Continuing Education program, students who have more than ½ day absence in a 5-week laboratory course will be withdrawn. The period between 7am and 12:30pm constitutes ½ day, and the period between 12:30pm and 5:30pm constitutes ½ day. No other combination of hours is permitted. Any tardiness beyond 30 minutes for laboratory courses will be considered excessive and may result in a grade reduction. 

For the purposes of financial aid and verification of enrollment, a day program student must be in attendance by the second meeting of each lab course. In the Continuing Education program, students must be in attendance by day 1 of the first scheduled lab segment. Students who are enrolled solely in laboratory courses and not in attendance by the second meeting of each lab course (day 1 for Continuing Education lab segments)or fail to meet attendance requirements, will be officially withdrawn from the university. Students who are not in attendance by the second meeting of each lab course (day 1 for Continuing Education lab segments) will not be withdrawn from the university if they are also enrolled in at least one academic course that meets for the full semester. When appropriate, students may be issued a tuition and/or financial aid adjustment in accordance with the Tuition and Fees Credit Policy. Additionally, students receive full charges for the culinary/baking and pastry courses not attended.


Attendance policies for internships are quite strict and intended to help students transition into the working world. Students are expected to adhere to the attendance policy and semester dates as outlined in each campus's Student Guide to Internship online and the student data sheet.

Online, Hybrid and Self-paced Courses

Students are expected to meet stated due dates and/or meeting requirements as provided by the faculty member at the beginning of each course. Students confirm enrollment by submitting the first graded assignment in the initial two weeks of the course.

Participation in Athletics or Other University-sanctioned Events

Students participating in university-sanctioned events, including, but not limited to, athletics (games and related travel), student government, student organizations, etc., on occasion may have to miss class. Students must notify the faculty member in advance of the missed class. Any student who misses class for this reason should not be penalized and any work should be allowed to be made up in a timely fashion as discussed between the faculty and the student. Students in this situation are responsible for all material missed in class. Student-athletes are not allowed to miss class for practice.

Occasionally the dates and/or times of events may change and these changes are beyond the student's control. The student must notify faculty immediately should such a change occur.

Illness- and Injury-related Class Absences Due to Participation in University-sanctioned Events

Students adversely affected by illness and injury due to participation in a university-sanctioned event will be allowed to make up all necessary work without prejudice. However, students must notify their faculty of any such issue.