This data may not be reflective of the current, published version of the Handbook. To access the most recent version of the Handbook, please visit


The Academic Success Center offers a variety of services that can be accessed on both the Harborside campus and Downcity campus.  Below is a description of our services:

Tutoring Services

One-on-one tutoring is offered for many core curriculum courses.  From accounting to writing assistance, students can select to meet with a professional or peer tutor to bolster their academic success.  Tutoring services are also available online via Smarthinking.


Workshops covering time management, study strategies, writing research papers and more are offered to support students throughout the year. A list of workshops can be found on the Academic Success Center workshop website.

Peer-Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

For selected core curriculum courses, students can select a course section associated with the Peer-Assisted Study Session (PASS) program.  These designated courses have special review sessions available for students who wish to study with peers from their course section. PASS is a great way to engage in deeper learning with selected undergraduate course material and meet other students enrolled in the same course section. 

PASS sessions are facilitated by a peer who has successfully completed the course and who serves as a resource to those currently enrolled in the course.  To participate in PASS, enroll in a course section with a PASS facilitator assigned to it.  To learn more about courses associated with the PASS program, visit the PASS website.