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Sanctions for Individuals

If a student is found responsible for a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the student will be given one or more sanctions. Sanctions are designed to help prevent future Student Code of Conduct violations, educate students on appropriate behavior required to succeed in the workplace and live in society, and where appropriate, remedy any damage done.

University Dismissal

Permanent dismissal from the university (noted in the student’s education records), which prohibits the student from attending the university (at any campus or learning site, or online) or any university events and from entering or being present without permission on any property of the university. A student who is dismissed from the university will still be responsible for certain tuition and housing charges, subject to any applicable refund policy.

University Suspension

A temporary suspension from the university, which prohibits the student from attending the university (at any campus or learning site, or online) or any university events and from entering or being present without permission on any property of the university. During a university suspension, a community standards and conduct hold is placed on the student’s academic record, which prevents the student from registering for classes and/or graduating. Requests for reinstatement after a university suspension will not be granted until all conditions of the suspension have been met and all other sanctions have been completed. Students who receive a university suspension will be provided information regarding the appropriate steps for requesting reinstatement to the university. As with dismissal, a student who is suspended from the university will still be responsible for certain tuition and housing charges, subject to any applicable refund policy. When a student returns from suspension, the student will be placed on conduct probation for a minimum of two terms. In certain instances, a student may be suspended until the complainant graduates.

Dismissal from Housing

Permanent dismissal from university housing, which prohibits the student from living or being a guest in any university or campus housing. In the case of dismissal from housing, the student is required to pay room and board charges for the remainder of the term during which the dismissal takes effect.

Suspension from Housing

A temporary suspension from university housing, which prohibits the student from living or being a guest in any university or campus housing and from entering into a new housing contract for the duration of the suspension. Requests for new housing contracts after a suspension are handled by the dean of students or the dean's designee; a new student housing contract will be permitted only if the student is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the dean or the dean's designee that the student will not engage in any further violations of the Student Code of Conduct, and all other conditions of the suspension, if any, have been met and all sanctions have been completed. As with dismissal from housing, the student will be responsible to pay room and board charges for the remainder of the term during which the suspension takes effect.

Suspension of Privileges

A suspension of privileges, which prohibits the student from participating in specified activities (such as intercollegiate or intramural athletics, campus events, extracurricular activities, student life activities, student leadership positions, student organizations, etc.) or from entering certain university buildings or facilities (such as residence halls, dining centers, university fitness or athletic facilities, certain administrative or academic buildings, parking garages/lots, etc.) or other areas of the university during the period of the suspension.

Interim Suspensions

An immediate, temporary suspension that remains in effect until the Conduct Review Process has been completed. An interim suspension can be a suspension from the university, housing, a classroom, an academic course, lab, practicum, and/or a suspension of privileges. Interim suspensions are used when the university perceives that because of the nature of the alleged violation or other factors, an interim suspension is advisable to help protect an individual or the university community, property or the normal operations of the university until the Conduct Review Process has been completed. 

Conduct Probation

A student who receives a sanction of conduct probation and has subsequent policy violations may face more severe sanctions, up to and including university suspension or dismissal.

Conduct Warning

A warning given to the student, which indicates that additional sanctions will be imposed if the student engages in future violations of the Student Code of Conduct.


Monetary penalties, which must be paid by the date specified when the sanction is given.


The purpose of restitution is to make good or compensate the university for loss, damage or injury. Restitution can take the form of a monetary payment, the repair or replacement of damaged property, or participation in a campus or community work or service project. Restitution must be completed by the date specified when the sanction is given.

Campus/Community Service

Campus/community service includes providing services to the university or a recognized nonprofit agency of the student's choice for a specified number of hours or a particular work or service project. Campus/community service must be completed by the date specified when the sanction is given.

No Contact Order

A No Contact Order is a requirement to avoid another person or persons and not have any direct or indirect contact with such person(s), including email, text messages, mail, telephone, instant messaging, face-to-face contact, social media interactions or any contact through a third party. A No Contact Order requires the student to take action to avoid encounters with the other person(s). In cases where a No Contact Order impacts class, lab or work activities, the student should notify the student's professors and/or supervisors to address any situations that may conflict with the No Contact Order. A No Contact Order may also be imposed as an interim action while a case is pending. If a student fails to abide by the No Contact Order, the student may be placed on interim suspension from the university.

Housing Relocation

Required relocation to another room within the university housing system.

Educational Sanctions

In addition to other sanctions, a student found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct may be assigned educational sanctions, such as required attendance at an educational program relevant to the violation for which the student was found responsible, reflective/research papers, classes, seminars, interviews, presentations, projects and/or other creative sanctions. Educational sanctions must be completed by the date specified when the sanction is given.