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Hazing Policy

It is the goal of Johnson & Wales University to provide an educational environment free from all forms of hazing. Such conduct violates not only university policies, but also state law.

Hazing is inappropriate and will not be tolerated at Johnson & Wales University. Such behavior or the tolerance of such behavior on the part of any student violates the Student Code of Conduct and may result in student conduct sanctions (individual or group) up to and including dismissal from the university.

Consent is not a defense to hazing and will not absolve an individual or group from a finding of responsibility for hazing under the Student Code of Conduct.

What is Hazing?

Hazing is any severe, persistent or pervasive behavior that, for purposes of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization or group, endangers an individual’s mental or physical health, well-being or safety, or unreasonably interferes with an individual’s ability to freely participate in university life.

Hazing may take many forms, and while it is not always easy to define precisely what behavior constitutes hazing, examples of behavior that may constitute hazing include, but are not limited to

  • the explicit or implicit pressuring or coercing of a student into violating law or university policy
  • any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, paddling, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, abandonment, forced or encouraged consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance, or other forced physical activity
  • any activity that is likely to subject the student to substantial mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment, or other activity that could adversely affect the mental health, academic pursuits or dignity of the student
  • prohibiting individuals to speak for extended periods of time and/or forced exclusion from social contact, prohibition from speaking with university officials, faculty, employers/clients, roommates, family/friends, club members or leadership, etc.
  • requiring a regimented public demeanor (e.g., marching, military-like demeanor, restricting walking patters, prescribing set walking formations)
  • confinement
  • kidnapping
  • verbal abuse
  • carrying any items (shields, paddles, bricks, etc.) that serve no constructive purpose or that are designed to punish or embarrass the carrier
  • misleading prospective members into believing that they will be hurt during induction or initiation
  • interrogating an individual in an intimidating or threatening manner
  • assigning or endorsing pranks such as borrowing or stealing items, painting property and objects of others, or harassing other individuals or groups
  • requiring any personal servitude to another individual or group such as running errands, cleaning, making food runs or performing someone else’s academic work
  • simulating activity of a sexual nature, or threatening to do so

What should I do if I think I am the victim of, a witness to, or learn of hazing?

Anyone who is aware of or believes they have witnessed or have been subjected to hazing should immediately report the behavior to Campus Safety & Security. For Campus Safety & Security contact information for each campus, please consult the JWU Directory.

Silent Witness

Anyone who is aware of or believes they have witnessed or have been subjected to hazing may also make a Silent Witness Report online. Please note that the Silent Witness Program is not designed to replace the need to contact Campus Safety & Security directly about an emergency or potentially harmful situation. The ability to respond appropriately may be limited if the report is anonymous; therefore, students are encouraged to provide an email address and/or phone number so that Campus Safety & Security may follow up with questions if necessary.


Johnson & Wales University prohibits retaliation against any individual who has made a good faith complaint, cooperated in the investigation of such a complaint, or participated in the Conduct Review Process. Anyone found to have engaged in retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the university.