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Proctoring and Identity Verification

Proctoring is a process in which an impartial individual monitors or supervises students while they are completing an assessment/exam. Some online courses require proctored online exams or assessments in order to maintain the integrity of the assessment process. In online courses, proctoring is accomplished through the use of a third-party online proctoring service. During a proctored exam, students are visually monitored online by a proctor for behaviors which are inconsistent with guidelines set forth by the instructor. Students must have access to a computer with a webcam, speakers and microphone, and they must show photo identification to the proctor. Students schedule proctored exams in advance. There is no fee to students. Students are notified of proctored exams in their syllabus to provide time to schedule the exam and plan for the use of appropriate hardware.

Identity Verification of Students in Online Courses

In order for the university to verify that a student registered in an online course is the same student that participates in, completes and receives credit for the course, technology-enabled identity verification is used. Students in online courses are asked to establish an initial identity verification using a government-issued photo ID, keystroke biometrics and facts known to the student. Students are then asked to confirm their identity for either remotely-proctored exams or identity checkpoints placed throughout online courses. Students must have a computer with a webcam, speakers, microphone and stable internet connection, as well as a government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license or passport).