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Vaccination Policy

Prior to the first term of enrollment, the university requires all new, full-time undergraduate and graduate students, part-time undergraduate students in a health science program, and all culinary students to submit proof of a complete physical exam conducted within the past year, including documented proof of:  2 doses of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine (or titers if applicable), 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine (or titers if applicable), 3 doses of tetanus-diphtheria vaccine (including at least 1 Tdap dose within the past 10 years), 2 doses of the chicken pox vaccine (or titers if applicable) or proof of physician-diagnosed disease, and 1 dose of meningitis vaccine. If you received your first meningitis vaccine prior to age 16, a booster is required. A waiver of the meningitis vaccine requirement is available for students 22 years of age and older (please contact Health Services for further information). Also, students should check with their primary care provider as to whether the new meningitis Type B vaccine is appropriate for them. In addition, a negative tuberculosis test or chest x-ray within the last year is required for entering students who are from highly endemic countries and have been residents of the United States for less than 5 years. A list of countries where tuberculosis is highly endemic is available upon request from Health Services.

The hepatitis A vaccine is strongly recommended but not required.

Any student who is under the age of 18 upon enrollment must also submit proof of the polio vaccine series (Charlotte Campus only).

Failure to satisfy this requirement will result in the placement of a Health Services Hold on the students' account and will prohibit students from entering class or changing their schedule. Visit Health Requirements for additional information and required forms.