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Academic Support

Center for Academic Support

The Center for Academic Support on the Downcity Campus and the Alan Shawn Feinstein Center for Academic Support on the Harborside Campus offer a variety of services to assist students in preparing for graduation and their careers. The centers complement students’ academic and technical training by providing services that help sharpen students' ability to position themselves in today’s competitive marketplace.

The centers' goals are to support students in their efforts to develop and maximize their talents, empower them to direct their own learning, and help them acquire lifelong behaviors and attitudes that employers value — ultimately leading students on pathways to success.

Examples of services offered:

  • tutoring
  • supplemental instruction
  • workshops in stress management, time management, test-taking strategies and other learning strategies
  • accommodations for students with disabilities with appropriate documentation

Students are urged to take the initiative in seeking out-of-class help during faculty office hours as well as in the Center for Academic Support .

Students with Disabilities

JWU is dedicated to providing reasonable accommodations to allow students with learning, physical or other disabilities to succeed in their academic pursuits. While maintaining the highest academic integrity, the university strives to balance scholarship with support services that assist students with disabilities with accessing the university’s academic environment.

Because some programs of study at the university have technical standards and requirements, applicants and students with disabilities should contact the Center for Academic Support to discuss the availability of reasonable accommodations or obtain documentation guidelines, when appropriate.

For further information regarding available reasonable accommodations and the accommodations procedure, visit the Center for Academic Support website or call the Center for Academic Support at the appropriate campus.

Food Allergy Accommodation Requests for College of Culinary Arts and College of Hospitality Management Students

The College of Culinary Arts and the College of Hospitality Management have technical standards  that must be met for participation in their academic programs. All College of Culinary Arts programs and some College of Hospitality Management programs include the requirement that the student, with or without reasonable accommodations, must be able to safely and effectively produce and evaluate the quality of all food and beverage products, and maneuver in professional or commercial kitchens, dining rooms and related facilities.

Applicants with a food allergy who have been accepted for admission to JWU and intend to pursue studies in the College of Culinary Arts or the College of Hospitality Management are strongly urged to call or visit the Center for Academic Support prior to attending their first class to discuss any reasonable accommodations that might be available during their academic studies. While the university will provide reasonable accommodations in compliance with applicable law, the university cannot guarantee it will be able to meet all requests for accommodations or remove allergens from its curriculum.