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Drug and Alcohol Policy

In accordance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, Johnson & Wales University prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of narcotics, drugs, other controlled substances or alcohol at the workplace and in the educational setting. Possession or use of alcoholic beverages anywhere on university property is prohibited except for legal use at events, operations, programs, premises or facilities sanctioned by the university. Unlawful for these purposes means in violation of federal, state or local statutes, regulations or ordinances. Workplace is defined as either university premises or any place where university business is conducted away from university premises. Educational setting includes both university premises and approved educational sites off campus.

Possession or use of illegal drugs, narcotics or drug paraphernalia is absolutely forbidden. Johnson & Wales may impose sanctions on students and employees for violations of this policy up to and including dismissal, separation of employment and/or possible referral to local authorities consistent with applicable law. Johnson & Wales is not and cannot be considered a protector or sanctuary from the existing laws of the local, state and/or federal government.

University Sanctions

Disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed on a student found to be in violation of the above policy include, but are not limited to, revocation of certain privileges, community service, conduct warning, conduct probation, fine or restitution for loss, suspension or dismissal from the university and/or university housing, and referral to alcohol education classes. The university also reserves the right to notify parents of violations by students who are under the applicable legal drinking age. Please see the Student Code of Conduct and Sanctions for Individuals for more information.

Alcohol and Its Effects

Alcohol abuse is defined as any drinking that harms or endangers the drinker or other people. It can be a single episode or a regular pattern. Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Thought processes are slowed as alcohol numbs and destroys brain cells.

Symptoms of Drug Abuse

The key is change. It is important to watch for any significant changes in physical appearance, personality, attitude or behavior. Behavior signs include a change in overall personality or attitude with no other identifiable cause; a general lack of motivation, energy or self-esteem; sudden oversensitivity, temper tantrums or resentful behavior; and moodiness, irritability or nervousness.

Possible Effects of Drug Abuse

Narcotics (i.e., opium, morphine, heroin) may cause euphoria, drowsiness, respiratory distress and nausea. Depressants (i.e., barbiturates, benzodiazepines) may cause slurred speech, disorientation and drunken behavior without the odor of alcohol. Stimulants (i.e., cocaine, amphetamines) may cause increased alertness, increased blood pressure and pulse, insomnia and loss of appetite. Hallucinogens (i.e., LSD, mescaline) may cause illusions, hallucinations and poor perception of time and distance. Cannabis (i.e., marijuana, hashish) may cause euphoria, relaxed inhibitions and disoriented behavior.

JWU’s Substance Abuse Prevention Program

Several programming initiatives and alternatives are available to help students examine their own behavior related to alcohol and other drugs (AOD):

  • Counseling Services provides an assessment of AOD usage for all students who seek counseling.
  • Referrals to community resources are available for individuals with more long-term or complex needs. A number of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and Al-Anon groups hold meetings close to campus and in the larger local community.
  • Counseling, Health & Wellness offers AOD prevention through programming efforts with various student groups and Student Affairs departments.
  • Counseling, Health & Wellness also collaborates with Student Conduct to provide educational and other resources for students with problematic drinking behavior and drug use.
  • A number of programming initiatives take place each year.

State Penalties for Drug and Alcohol Offenses

Johnson & Wales University students are subject to state criminal prosecution and penalties for drug and alcohol offenses, including

  • possession or delivery of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD or PCP
  • possession of a needle and syringe
  • driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
  • driving under the influence, death resulting

Criminal penalties for drug and alcohol offenses can include

  • mandatory drug or alcohol counseling or treatment
  • driver retraining
  • suspension or loss of driver’s license
  • community service
  • fines of various amounts
  • imprisonment for various periods of time up to life imprisonment