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Build Your Network This Summer With One Easy Task

Here at the Career Center, we are BIG fans of networking. Simply put, networking helps you gather information about things that interest you (e.g., majors, career paths, experiences) and also allows you to develop relationships with people who can give …

By Susannah Krenn
Susannah Krenn Assistant Director, Communications & Marketing / Career Advisor
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Consulting Deadlines for 2025 Jobs/Internships

Are you interested in Consulting?  Some of the largest management consulting firms – including McKinsey and Bain – have upcoming deadlines for internships and full-time positions with 2025 start dates.  Yes, this is a full year in advance!  Rising juniors …

By Karen Dankers
Karen Dankers Associate Director, Director of Tufts Finance Initiative
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Internship Spotlight: ASLDefined

Sam Youkeles, a rising Senior in Computer Science, just shared the following about his internship:

How did you find this internship?

A few years ago, I asked the site’s web developer (who is a family friend) if I could “shadow”

By Robin Kahan
Robin Kahan Associate Director, Engineering Career Services
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Internship Spotlight: Cnergi

Current student Maya Land shared the following about being an intern at Cnergi…

How did you find this internship?
I found this internship through a professor at my study abroad program (DIS Abroad Copenhagen).

What did you enjoy most about …

By Sheryl Rosenberg
Sheryl Rosenberg Associate Director
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Case Interview: Complete Prep Guide

Welcome to our preparation tips for case interviews!  Whether you are just curious about case interviews or are planning to apply for consulting internships or full-time jobs, these tips and resources will help you feel more prepared and confident.

What …

By Karen Dankers
Karen Dankers Associate Director, Director of Tufts Finance Initiative
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Internship Spotlight: Social Skills, Imagination, and Theatre Lab at George Mason University

Current student Caroline Stephens shared the following about being an intern at Social Skills, Imagination, and Theatre Lab at George Mason University…

How did you find this internship?
I found this lab by searching for a list of the best …

By Sheryl Rosenberg
Sheryl Rosenberg Associate Director
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(617) 627-3299

Dowling Hall Suite 740 (9am-5pm)
419 Boston Avenue
Medford, MA 02155