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Native Power Building Fellowship

Background: The Native Power Building Fellowship is an 18-month Fellowship that will bring together a cohort of Native leaders that are committed to building power in Native communities in California. 

 The Fellowship will bring together fellows from across California to build relationships; participate in leadership development programming, including an Indigenized version of Rockwood Leadership Institute’s Art of Leadership; Coaching for Equity and Transformation; transformational organizing; and integrated voter engagement, including organizing and base building; and sharpen their practice of creating change in their communities.  

 Each fellow will also be asked to launch and/or support a campaign in their community that advances justice for Native peoples. Online and in-person gatherings will be a requirement for applicants, as well as a request to be part of an alumni network that will be built and grown over time. 


 Fellowship Requirements


Fellows will convene in person at least twice over the course of the fellowship to receive leadership development training. The first training will be a 5-day in person training to take place in Southern California. The second training will take place in Northern California. Travel costs and accommodation will be provided to participants. Fellows are expected to attend the full length of both trainings, and should factor their availability into their decision to apply.  


Fellows will convene virtually several times over the course of the fellowship. The first meeting will consist of a relationship building meeting and orientation to the fellowship. A handful of additional meetings will be held according to the needs of the cohort. 


Fellows will be asked to either develop or join an existing issue campaign in their community. Fellows will receive training and support on all aspects of campaign planning, implementation and evaluation. 


A reflection report will be required to submit after each in-person training, as well as at the end of the program.


Fellows will be invited to participate in an emergent statewide alumni network upon successful completion of their program.  


The fellowship is designed for Native Peoples that are early or in the middle of their social justice journey. We are seeking applicants with between three to ten years working towards justice and self-determination for Native peoples within an organization or association. This may include a formal paid position within a Native organization, a volunteer position within a non-formal grassroots association, a role within a college or university program, and/or any other similar experience.

We are currently not accepting applications, but stay tuned! We will announce application openings later this year in 2024! 

Check out our 2023 fellows here. 

 Please send any questions to 

The featured artwork is a collaborative original artwork created for the “We the Resilient” report to communicate the resilience of Native peoples in California. Artist Ernesto Yerena (Yaqui and Chicano) created this print based on a photograph taken by fine artist photographer Cara Romero (Chemehuevi Indian Tribe). The image features Kiyanni, a Chemehuevi and Navajo youth leader.