The Canadian Association of Journalists’ misinformation training program provided training for post-secondary students in every province and territory on disinformation and misinformation and a gold-standard research guide all Canadians will be able to use to improve their digital literacy.

The two-hour workshop covered a variety of practical tools for fact-checking and verification, as well as some of the ethical considerations when reporting on misinformation. The guide also includes these same tools for fact-checking and verification.

About the National Guide

The workshop curriculum was compiled into a national research guide and practical handbook detailing how to combat misinformation and disinformation, designed to help journalists and the public build expertise and improve digital literacy skills.

The CAJ wants everyone to be able to learn from and build off of the misinformation training sessions and research guide, which is why some sessions have been posted online and the research guide will be disseminated as widely as possible.

About the Workshops

The CAJ was pleased to have had some of Canada’s top investigative journalists, fact-checkers and researchers working to develop the workshop curriculum. Throughout 2022, journalists from outlets like ProPublica, the Canadian Press, CBC News, Cabin Radio and Radio-Canada taught students and emerging journalists tools for fact-checking and verification, as well as some of the ethical considerations when reporting on misinformation.

Each event was unique, acknowledging different misinformation and disinformation challenges in each province and territory. Some virtual sessions were streamed on Facebook Live and will be maintained in an archive on so students and Canadians can access them in perpetuity.

While every effort was made to host these events in person, the CAJ is committed to ensuring the safety of all of our local instructors and participants.

Previous Sessions

Upcoming Sessions

There are no other sessions scheduled for the Misinfo 101 series. Any other plans or future sessions of the program will be posted here.