The following is a list of those who’ve been awarded the EU-Canada Young Journalist Fellowship, a program that has existed since 2001 and where the CAJ and EU Delegation have been partners since 2015.

2023Lex Harvey
The Toronto Star
“How a ‘Doomsday vault’ stows the seeds of our future against disaster”
Toronto, ON
2023Violette Cantin
Le Devoir
« La sobriété énergétique lyonnaise, à l’image de celle de l’Union européenne »
Montreal, QC
2023Natasha Bulowski
The National Observer
“Leaked letter puts focus on Canada’s forestry trade priorities ahead of COP15”
Vancouver, BC/ Ottawa, ON
2022Make-up study tour year due to the pandemic years/ no competition this year
2021Mora Wyton
The Tyee
Formerly w/ Edmonton Journal
“This Heroin Treatment Is Saving Lives in Europe’s Overdose Crisis. Two Doctors Are Brining it to Canada Themselves”
Vancouver, BC
2021Laurie Trottier
L’Aurore Boréale
« À quoi s’attendre de la nouvelle politique de l’Arctique de l’Union européenne? »
Whitehorse, YT
2021Anna Desmarais
Formerly w/ CBC North, iPolitics, Toronto Star
“Canada needs to pay more attention to the EU’s new climate plan”
Whitehorse, YT
2020Claire Porter Robbins
“Greece seeks aid for new migrant housing”
Calgary, AB
2020Jacob Lorinc
Bloomberg News Toronto
“McMaster looked overseas for help on a COVID-19 vaccine. In the age of pandemics, international cooperation is imperative, says the project’s chief scientist”
Toronto, ON
2020Léa Carrier
La Presse
« Ce qu’il reste de Dunkerque »
Longueuil, QC
2019Zak Vescera
The Star Phoenix, formerly with Vancouver Sun
“To understand Canada’s new right, look to Europe”
Vancouver, BC
2019Philippe Teisceira-Lessard
La Presse
“Le Brexit dans le champ”
Montreal, QC
2019Ted Fraser
Toronto Star
“In leaving Europe, the U.K. has lost Scotland”
Halifax, NS
2018Andrew Seal
University of British Columbia
“The Game”
Vancouver, BC
2018Patrice Senécal
Cégep de Saint-Laurent
“En Hongrie, rien n’arrête la démocrature d’Orban”
Montreal, QC
2018Kyle Greenham
SaltWire Network and the Northern Pen in St. Anthony/the College of the North Atlantic
“Opening the doors of possibility: CETA offers many opportunities, especially to region’s fishery”
Twillingate, NL
2017Megan Devlin
University of British Columbia
“It wasn’t racism: Young Brexiteers say economy, EU control more important than immigration”
Vancouver, BC/ Toronto, ON
2017Jennifer Ackerman
University of Regina
“CETA application in Saskatchewan”
Regina, SK
2017Marie-Danielle Smith
Canadian Press Ottawa
Formerly with National Post, Maclean’s
“Cheese and seafood among irritants threatening to cause stink during CETA ratification”
Ottawa, ON
2016Philippe-Vincent Foisy
Former Press Gallery President
Formerly with COGECO
“Le Canada et l’Union européenne franchissent un pas de plus en vue de la ratification de l’accord de libre échange”
Ottawa, ON/Quebec City, QC
2016Julien Beaulieu
Université du Québec à Montréal
“Un Non Wallon a l’Accord de libre-échange Canado-Européen”
Montreal, QC
2016Geneviève Zingg
University of Toronto
“European Parliament passes controversial counterterrorism bill: passenger Name Record (PNR)”
Toronto, ON
2015Stéphanie Fillion
McGill University/ Radio-Canada in Vancouver
Montreal, QC/ Vancouver, BC
2015Amanda Coletta
Washington Post
Munk School of Public Affairs, University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
2015Amanda Connolly
Global News Reporter, formerly with iPolitics
Ottawa, ON