Governing Structure

The CAJ board of directors is a “working board.” Its volunteer directors perform the roles of both direction-setting as well as dedicating an agree-upon amount of labour hours each month to the work of the organization. The organization abides by and adheres to its established bylaws and policies, as outlined below.

Strategic Plan

The CAJ is proud to present its inaugural strategic plan for 2024-2027. The document presents an ambitious and forward-thinking plan that will support its members in tandem with time-bound, accountability goals.

The national board of directors presents this strategic plan at a time of incredible industry challenges and changes. The ideas and practices articulated in the document are firmly grounded in the organization’s core commitment: to ‘be there’ for the members of its community as much as possible, in both good times and bad.

Governance Documents

For membership classes also subject to the CAJ’s Ethics Guidelines, please also refer to that page/document.


In accordance with its bylaws, the CAJ holds an Annual General Meeting every year, typically at the conclusion of its annual national conference. Copies of the past annual general meeting minutes are available here:

Board Meetings and Minutes

In accordance with its bylaws, the CAJ board of directors meets at least three times per calendar year, whether in person or by teleconference or other electronic means that are feasible. Copies of past board meeting minutes are available here:

Financial Accountability

In accordance with its bylaws, the CAJ board of directors makes its annual financial statements available to all those who wish to review them, but most particularly to its members. Printed copies of these financial statements can be requested, free of charge, by contacting, or can be printed from the links below: