The CAJ has chapters across Canada to help journalists be part of their local journalism community. Events are held for both networking and professional development. Click on one of the chapter links below to find out more about the chapter.

Don’t see a chapter for your area? Consider starting one! Our CAJ Chapter Guide gives you all the information you need to know to get a chapter going in your area.

Funding is available from the national office to help local chapters put on journalism-related events and professional development through the Local Chapter Initiatives Fund. Email us at to find out more about the fund.

CAJ members who work in any region across Canada are eligible to form a chapter, per the rules set out in the CAJ bylaws.

A Chapter shall have executive of not fewer than 3 and not more than 10 individuals, elected by the members of that Chapter at the annual general meeting of the Chapter. All active members of the Corporation who are members of that Chapter are eligible to sit as members of the executive of that Chapter, provided they meet the requirements of Class A membership. All active members of the Corporation within the chapter’s defined geographic area shall receive at least two weeks notice, by mail or electronically, of the annual general meeting of the Chapter.

The officers of a Chapter shall be, at least, a president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer. Each Chapter shall have an annual general meeting of members of that Chapter. A Chapter of the Corporation may use the name of the Corporation in identifying itself to the public as a Chapter of the Corporation and may speak publicly on behalf of members of that Chapter. All policies of a Chapter and public statements by a Chapter must comply with the policies of the Corporation as determined by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

A Chapter shall not charge members of the Corporation a membership fee. However Chapters, at the direction of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, may be authorized to collect and remit to the Corporation membership fees of the Corporation. A Chapter shall provide a discount to all members of the Corporation at all activities it holds.

If a Chapter retains its own funds, it shall do so in a financial institution and report to the treasurer of the Corporation on its financial status at the end of each calendar year or as otherwise directed by the treasurer of the Corporation. At least 2 members of the board of directors of the Chapter shall authorize any expenditure of funds belonging to the Chapter. The executive director of the Corporation shall also be a signing authority for all Chapter accounts held in a financial institution.

Chapters may retain control over all money, other than the annual membership fee of the Corporation, collected by a Chapter, provided it remits to the Corporation each year an amount as determined by the Board of Directors of the Corporation in consultation with the Board of Directors of the Chapter.

Subject to the following, the Corporation shall be liable for any debts incurred by a Chapter: The executive director or treasurer of the Corporation shall be notified in advance by a Chapter of any individual expenditure by the Chapter of $1,000 or more; Any expenditure that would leave a Chapter in a deficit of more than $1,000 shall be approved in advance by the executive director or the treasurer of the Corporation; Any expenditure by a Chapter that conflicts with the policies of the Corporation as determined by the Board of Directors of the Corporation must be approved in advance by the president and treasurer of the Corporation or a majority of the executive committee of the Corporation.

The Board of Directors of the Corporation may, at its sole discretion, revoke its permission to the members in that area to form or continue a Chapter. Upon such revocation, the Chapter shall cease to have all the rights and powers as a Chapter of the Corporation described herein, and the Corporation shall thereupon cease to be liable for the debts of that Chapter incurred following revocation.