
Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

The CAJ promotes excellence in journalism, encouraging investigative journalism. It serves as the national voice of Canadian journalists, and upholds the public’s right to know.


The CAJ is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides advocacy and professional development for journalists across Canada.

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Covering topics important to our members and the profession.


We speak on behalf of journalists and in support of exemplary journalism.

We speak on behalf of journalists, and in their interest, on matters including source protection, freedom of information and access to information, public disclosure, and diversity of voices. We speak in support of the highest quality journalism. For full details on our advocacy efforts, head to our Advocacy page.

Much of the public-facing advocacy work of the organization can be seen in the News statements available on our website.

Advisory Committee that considers and advises on ethical journalism issues.

The CAJ’s ethics advisory committee considers and provides advice on ethical issues faced by Canadian journalists through the course of their regular work. Members are appointed by the CAJ’s national board of directors, and the chair(s) are appointed by the board from among the committee’s members. For full details on our ethics work, head to our Ethics page.

Annual awards program recognizing the best in Canadian journalism.

The CAJ’s annual awards program recognizes the best in Canadian journalism with a particular focus on investigative work. Entries are welcome from any practising journalist whose work has been published or broadcast in Canada. For full details of the program, head to our Awards program page.

National and regional professional development and networking events.

The CAJ holds professional development and networking events including an annual national journalism conference and regional events to help you stay up to date. For full details on all our professional development efforts, head to our programs page.

Membership and community for Canadian journalists and journalists working in Canada.

Membership brings you many benefits. Current members are eligible for reduced entry fees to all CAJ events or programs, including our national journalism conference or our annual awards program, which can save hundreds of dollars over the space of a year. Often non-member can join, pay the appropriate member rate and access membership rates to these events and programs, with the membership fee and member rate still being less than the non-member fees.

Additionally, membership provides a varied line-up of perks that help save money and keep you well, such as discounts on home and auto insurance as well as telephone and internet preferential rates.

Finally, membership with the CAJ gives the organization the support it needs to continue its important work for both members and the general public, protecting the public’s right to know.

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