protect roll-on

cruelty free
100% natural
made in canada

Feel the restorative power of these elements known to promote healing and clarity.

Potent and meticulously formulated, this powerful fusion of antimicrobial and immune-boosting natural essential oils has been created to prioritize your well-being and provide natural support in maintaining strong and resilient overall health.

Roll on using the carnelian roller. This combination starts with naiouli, known for its antimicrobial properties. This oil works collaboratively with the respiratory-supporting eucalyptus and ravintsara oils. A touch of cinnamon adds warmth and circulation, complemented by the comforting and balancing aroma of balsam fir and black spruce.

Expand your strength and vitality by protecting and nurturing your immunity.

10 ml | 0.3fl oz

Ingredients: Melaleuca quinquenervia (Niaouli), Eucalyptus dives (Eucalyptus dives), Cinnamomum camphora cineoliferum (Ravintsara/Ravintsare), Abies balsamea (Balsam fir/Sapin baumier), Picea Mariana (Black spruce/Épinette noire)
Use: Apply diluted essential oil by rolling onto non-sensitive area and gently massage to release drops.