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Posts Tagged with "squash"

Enjoy this week’s highlights and see upcoming competitions for the week of February 5!

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A Weekend Of Squash

A complete squash illiterate thinks they know everything about squash.

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Enjoy last week’s highlights and see upcoming competitions for the week of January 22!

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Bwoggers Vivian Zhou and Eliza Staples review Latenite, Columbia’s silliest theatre tradition and the only one for which a review could include the phrases “‘beeps’ and ‘boops,'” “orange morph suit,” and “hair emporium.”

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SGA Pops The Columbia Bubble

With only a month left until the end of spring semester, SGA spoke to Barnard Alumnae about life after graduation and outside of the Columbia Bubble. Bureau Chief Leena Chen reported on the meeting.

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Did Brown dye its pool Pantone 292? Sports Editor Abby Rubel is pleased to bring you the latest dispatch from the wild Pantone 292-blue yonder. Men’s and Women’s Squash: Both the men’s and women’s team went 3-0 this weekend, triumphing over Williams, University of Virginia, and Cornell. The women went 9-0 against Williams on Friday, […]

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Sports Editor Abby Rubel wants you to know EXACTLY what’s going on in sports Men’s and Women’s Squash: Both squash teams will play three matches this weekend against Williams College, University of Virginia, and Cornell. The Lions will travel to Williams on Friday for a match at 4:30, then come back to New York for […]

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Sports Editor Abby Rubel brings you the athletics events to keep your eye on this weekend. Track and Field: Both the men’s and women’s track and field teams will compete at the NYC Armory this weekend–the only meet all season on the island of Manhattan. Student tickets are $10, but this might be your only chance […]

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Two separate teams for Columbia hit their highest national rankings in program history in the final days of January. Off of a sweep of Tennessee and Notre Dame, the men’s tennis team jumped up to #16 in the Intercollegiate Tennis Association poll. And in other racket sports, men’s squash hit a program high and Ivy […]

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In the next segment of Get Hype!, squash scholar Ross Chapman introduces you to actual squasher Ramit Tandon, CC ’15, who claims that the squash team will dance for you if you show up to their matches. So you should definitely show up to their matches. Maybe you’ll even meet Ramit in person, but for […]

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As part of our continuing series on Columbia’s athletic promise- its existence and what you should do with that information- today we bring you an interview with Colette Sultana CC ’17. Colette and Sports Editor Ross Chapman talk squash, the upcoming season, and achieving that mythical Columbia work/life balance with sports tossed into the mix.  Bwog: Believe […]

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Some cool shit happened this weekend.  Squash squawker Max Rettig serves it up. The 11th-ranked Columbia women’s squash team defeated 14-ranked GW in the season-opener, taking 7 of 9 matches. The victory kept the Lions’ winning streak against GW alive, and it now stands at 3 games. While GW won the first two matches, Columbia […]

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Halloween is over, and that means only one thing: time to start preparing for Thanksgiving. If you’ve got the cold-weather blues, this recipe for spicy-sweet squash will warm you right up! Sweet and Savory Acorn Squash Ingredients: 1 acorn squash For sweet side: butter brown sugar cinnamon For spicy side: olive oil chili powder curry […]

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Squash courts: although they seem to take up a third of Dodge, most Columbians will only ever set foot on them in search of a convertible workout space, or perhaps to attend a meeting for a club sport. However, there are a group of dedicated Columbians who traverse the courts all the time, and pretty […]

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This week, the weather goes underwater and then plays squash racquetball. Special thanks to our football team for winning three games in a row, Shira Laucharoen for lending us the camera, John Nordin for the underwater camera, Jackie Smith for filming, and Tiffany Lee aka Vis à Vis. Check out her non-BwogWeather music here. Onward, Weather-Friends!

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