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Posts Tagged with "recycling"

Ever wondered why your friends’ UNIs are all super cool and yours is lame? Or vice versa? So have we. There’s not much rhyme or reason to the assignment process, it turns out. Senior staffer Sarah Dahl got the scoop from Chris Dowden, Directory of Identity and Access Management for the Columbia Information Security Office. […]

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Recycling at Columbia is complicated. Each campus has different rules that often differ from municipal laws or our hometown laws. Bwog spoke with Cathy Resler from the office of Environmental Stewardship to find out more. Simply put, Barnard College recycles everything. Columbia’s Morningside campus, however, follows city laws. The flowcharts often posted near recycling centers […]

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Move out day seems eons away and we know you have approximately 100 million pages to read and write before then, but that hour when every last scrap in your room has to be gone lingers on the horizon. To start the cleanup process in an earth-friendly way, search your room for any old plastic […]

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Totes for Tots!

From now until 4pm, you can go to College Walk and EarthCo will exchange 10 plastic bags (bad for the environment) for 1 Westside Market tote bag (good for the environment).  Seems like a good deal for you and the world!  Also, from the EarthCo email: The first 70 people will receive a new tote, […]

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Seeking comfort after my tragic, yet beautifully reported assassination, I decided to attend another ESC meeting last night. Alas, no comfort; but a merry time discussing school on-goings was in store. The Alumni Affairs and Professional Development Representative affirmed Columbia’s first implementation of the Recyclebank program. But one engineer expressed concern about abuse to the […]

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In an attempt not to be outshone by the European Commission’s plan to make the Earth a greener place, Housing Services (in conjunction with the Office of Environmental Stewardship, Facilities, and RecycleBank), announced today in the form of an email an “innovative new program…that rewards you for recycling while helping to improve our campus-wide recycling […]

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Closet filling up with dead appliances? There’s a big crate outside on 115th and Broadway that will take them off your hands, today until 4:00 PM, and tomorrow between 4:00 and 7:00 PM. Say hi to the robot for us.

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Bloomberg to World: We’re more diverse than you! Minutemen are racist, fascist etc. So don’t suspend us for running onto the stage. Recycle your soda cans and call yo-self an activist. Another Manhattanville staredown begins. Wrestling in the Buff for all the marbles.      

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