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Posts Tagged with "posters"

Bwog’s Beloved Arts Editor Megan McGregor spotted this incredible poster of Lionel spotting her. Which tab would you take?

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Sometimes Bwog hops lectures. Sometimes we hop rooms. This is an example of the latter, courtesy of Ariel Levin. If you think your swanky pad is worthy, email us at There are three kinds of posters that attack your eyes and validate every cliché about college males as you enter their dorm rooms. They […]

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NSOP Never Ends

The weirdest part: the “Social Experiment” is an official Res Life program. What’s all this, then? Leave your best guesses in the comments.

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After that series of sexy posters, it was unclear whether the 2010 Tamasha South Asian Cultural Showcase could live up to the hype. But live up to the hype it did, with freshman and senior numbers from four of Columbia’s South Asian dance groups (Raas, CUBhangra, Dhoom, and Taal) and an engaging (albeit heckle-inducing) comedy show […]

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If CCSC has its way, Columbia’s Housing system will be slightly less oppressive next year. The council passed a resolution supporting gender-neutral housing last night, which will remove the gender restrction on double occupancy rooms. The plan, introduced by VP for Policy Sarah Weiss, 2011 VP Sean Udell, EAAH President Avi Edelman, and GendeRevolution President […]

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Oh, Fpeshmen…

Bwogger Hans Hyttinen sent in this campaign poster for the Kapma Karma Party running for CCSC ’13. It’s a shame that LitHum doesn’t require students to read the Iliad in Greek, or this confusion may have been avoided. Silly freshmen, a pi isn’t a rho! Oh, and it turns out this may not be the […]

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Available right now on Lerner ramps: free Red Bull as part of a promotion for the new Sam Raimi horror flick, Drag Me to Hell (stylized poster at right). Hey, it’s got to be better than Spiderman 3.

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Club Zamana bills itself as Columbia’s “largest South Asian organization,” and while that probably refers to membership size, it looks to be true in the poster department as well. Club members just unrolled (literally) a three-story poster in Lerner for Tamasha 2009, their annual cultural showcase which will take place in Roone Arledge on the […]

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With the ROTC survey coming later this month (the councils have postponed the date again, this time to the week of November 24th) Bwog spotted posters from the anti-ROTC coalition (so far including the Dems, Lucha, CQA, EAAH, and Proud Colors). Bwog has been told that speakers and events will follow. A pro-ROTC coalition of […]

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Everyone has their cause today. This one seems hypocritical. Also spotted, man with orange sign wandering around South Lawn: “Two Robots in Every Garage.”  – SEV 

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We’re not sure what’s more strange about the AAA poster: that they promote their event with a picture of Calvin Sun et al., or that they’re touting Tokyo Pop as “Columbia’s premier nightclub/lounge.”  Also, Phi Iota Alpha felt the need to promote their rager with a glistening, curvaceous babe. No party in the Lerner Party […]

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When a typo is more than just a typo.

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Spring Gleanings

A few items have come over the alias recently that we thought we’d share. To wit: University Senate candidate Eric Wang has scored again on the campaign publicity. Although his website seems to be inactive and posters alone don’t quite measure up to last year’s brilliance, somehow, it works. One tipster unaccountably roaming Hamilton this […]

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“Money for Jobs and Education, Stop the War and Occupation!” “Cut the funding, stop the war! What the hell is Congress for?” Anti-war impatience reigned on Low Plaza this afternoon as a hundred-odd students, professors, union workers, and community members listened to a slew of speeches organized by the Columbia Coalition Against the War while […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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