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Posts Tagged with "occupy something"

We protest, tenaciously. (NYT) We plan for the future, bureaucratically. (Scribd) We lose connections, digitially. (Atlantic) We see ourselves in animals, irrationally. (NY Mag) We ink ourselves, unwisely. (Slate)   Sick Tat, Bro via Flickr

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Starting Thursday, “members of the Coalition to Preserve Community, St. Mary’s Congregations for Justice and Peace, Harlem community members, and students of Columbia University” met up to #occupy Tuck-It-Away Storage. Tuck-It-Away, located at 655 W. 125th St., was the last legal battleground of our Manhattanville expansion. Of the many demands that the coalition fights for, […]

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Bwog sent over our resident Building Buff Briana Last to report on last night’s talk, “Public Space and Public Consciousness” at the Event Oval in the Diana Center at 6 pm. The lecture was given by Michael Kimmelman as part of the Barnard Department of Education’s “For the Public Good” series. This series is part […]

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If you were wondering what the commotion is on Low Plaza right now, it’s the Occupy CU Student Worker Picnic.  Today is the National Day of Action for Education and workers, students, professors, and community members are encouraged to voice concerns over the state of education.  Free pizza, bagels, and potluck are advertised for protestors. […]

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The Grammys were last night!  Adele learned you can take an awful break-up and parlay it into 6 awards, viewers learned who Bonny Bear Bon Iver is, and Nicki Minaj pissed off Italian grandmothers everywhere. (Reuters, Fox News) Though our Occupy class never came to fruition, students at other universities are getting schooled in the […]

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Update, 6:01 pm: Occupy Columbia did not officially protest the meeting. According to Frouman,”There were some people on the steps affiliated with Occupy but it was coincidence as I understand it.” Certain members of Occupy did, however, send the attendees of the meeting an e-mail based on a misunderstanding of what the meeting was about, the […]

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“Occupy the Field,” that Anthro class slated for next spring meant to examine OWS from within both seminar rooms and GAs, is M.I.A.—from the bulletin, that is. The class, which was posted on the Department of Anthropology’s website as of December 31st, is now nowhere to be found. Neither an SSOL search nor a foray into the […]

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A few days ago the History Department emailed about a new class, “Occupy the Field.” That’s “a field-based course about Occupy Wall Street and the Occupy Movement more broadly,” which, you will recall, began last semester. The Anthropology Department is responsible. Apparently, the class will be split between seminar and field work at OWS. Accordingly, the […]

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Far from over, the Occupy-everything movement continues to live up to its grammatical mission. Occupy Harlem has some students worried about the Manhattanville expansion. Meanwhile an Occupy China may be around the corner. Finally there’s “Mockupy” Wall Street. (Spec/Atlantic/City Room) A recent DOT report confirms every pedestrian’s worst fear: bicyclists are taking over the city. […]

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The LAPD raided OccupyLA yesterday, arresting 200 and dispersing protesters without much conflict or violence. (WSJ) Dershowitz believes the key to peace in Israel is Palestinian Chicken — he recommends Prime Minister Netanyahu watch the hilarious Curb Your Enthusiasm episode with Palestinian President Abbas in an interview with the Current. (Tablet, Current) Columbia researchers believes America is vulnerable to crippling cyber-attacks and exploding printers. HP […]

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The Occupiers are getting feisty. Last night an email was sent out from their alias (which shows up as “Lee Bollinger”) to the offices of Dean Hinkson, President Spar, President Bollinger, and various contacts from Jezebel, Gawker, Gothamist, and the New York Times, demanding an explanation from the administration for the increased police presence during […]

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Barnard On Lockdown

Barnard’s campus has been fortified! Fearing unrest related to the Barnard General Assembly planned for this evening by Occupy Columbia, extraordinary security measures are currently being enforced. Barnard Hall has been closed, there is an NYPD car and police barricades in front of the 117th street gate, and Public Safety officers are checking IDs at […]

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And They’re Off!

Occupy CU has just departed from campus to march downtown and join the student strike. The pack of students has been joined by striking employees from Verizon and students from CSUNY Albany. According to one of the organizers: “We have the sidewalk outside gates, NYPD is here. CWA marchers have joined us in a large […]

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This week is OccupyCU’s Student Week of Action. Read on for Bwog resident #Occupier Jed Bush’s report on Day Two’s Open Student/Professor Dialogue on Low Steps, the latest in our ongoing coverage of this week’s events. Today’s discussion featured a star-studded lineup of professors that included, among others, Todd Gitlin, Christia Mercer, Paige West, and Rebecca Jordan Young, and […]

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This week marks OccupyCU’s Student Week of Action. Read on for Bwog’s resident #OWS correspondent Jed Bush’s coverage of Day One: “End the Sotheby’s Lockout” rally.   Columbia’s Student Week of Action, orchestrated by OccupyCU, got off to a rather low-key start today, but that didn’t stop the 25 or so protesters planted in front of the […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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