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Posts Tagged with "manhattanville"

Taking a rocket ship to space, a frozen gag order, vintage clothes and a good way to spend the weekend! Read it here, fresh off the press! (PS: The Indian nation animal is the tiger.)

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Representatives from Poor Magazine along with student allies rallied at the entrance of Broadway Hall Saturday afternoon. 

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On Thursday morning, Columbia President Lee Bollinger announced he will step down at the end of the 2022–23 academic year.

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Already the subject of much controversy regarding its relationship with the Harlem community, Columbia’s Manhattanville campus is once again facing scrutiny, this time from New York City’s Carpenters Union for working with a non-union contractors to build a new dormitory.

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Property records show that following the demolition of McDonald’s on 600 West 125th street, a new 34-story residential tower will be constructed to house graduate students, with a new McDonald’s opening up on the ground floor. 

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Bwog’s Saturday Daily Editor, Lauren Kahme, attends “a conversation about the relationship between mental illness, psychic suffering, addiction, and creativity, focused particularly on the poets Robert Lowell and John Berryman.”

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The new Manhattanville campus, aka PrezBo’s baby, is swallowing up more and more of our beautiful city. The newest casualty: the McDonald’s at 125th street. 

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Surprise! Columbia is actually a bit more cultured that you might think: we have a gallery! Bwogger Peyton Ayers brings you a detailed review of  Columbia’s very own Wallach Art Gallery’s latest exhibition.

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We got to chill with PrezBo last night while he talked to students and answered questions at the Fireside Chat. Alma Bwogger Rachel Deal was there to tell you what he said and to get a pic with the man of the hour (who, as always, was squinting in the photo). Last night, President Bollinger […]

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With the business school moving to Manhattanville, Uris Hall will soon be vacant. With no formal announcements on what the space will be used for (except that it will go to the “Arts and Sciences”), Bwog came up with some suggestions. Asian fusion dining hall Municipal airport Nordstrom Bar (to replace Cannon’s) Water park Cinema Hotel […]

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Hey, Jerome!

Columbia’s controversial Manhattanville campus is open for business! Bwog headed (a little farther) uptown to check out the newest Jerome Greene Science Center. Columbia is finally moving into its new home in Manhattanville this week, with the opening of the Jerome Greene Science Center. The building is the first of about six to establish Columbia’s […]

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Feeling out of the loop on the campus scoop? Columbia’s Senate, accompanied by PrezBo, gathered yesterday to discuss upcoming projects here in MoHi and beyond (Global Reports!). Bwog’s trusted politics correspondent, Joe Milholland, is here to relay the info to you. “Manhattanville is, of course, the big thing,” said PrezBo at this Friday’s University Senate […]

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This month, students from the Coalition Against Gentrification published a document entitled “Understanding Columbia University’s Expansion into West Harlem: An Activist’s Guide.” The guide aims to bring together all of the disparate information on Columbia’s expansion into one easily accessible resource. The document includes census data and statistics on the neighborhoods surrounding Columbia, as well as information […]

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Along with the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Hawaii, Columbia University was issued a Request for Proposal by the Barack Obama Foundation earlier today, placing us in the running for Obama’s Presidential Library. Due on December 11, this requires that Columbia “submit a formal proposal that includes detail […]

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PrezBo held one of his famous fireside chats; this time, for graduate students. He served us pretty good burritos and nachos, as well as the smallest cupcakes Bwog has ever seen. Wonder what he said? Presidential party crasher Artur Renault has got you covered. People were very confused at my name tag, which said “Bwog,” where […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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