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Posts Tagged with "homecoming"

Staff Writers Erika Avallone and Avery Baumel bemoan the lack of spirit displayed by BC and CC students during their respective Spirit Weeks.

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Still don’t know what to play for your pregame on Saturday? Bwog’s got you covered! Staff Writer Aditi Misra compiled only the best alternatives to putting Homecoming by Kanye West on loop.

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New Bwogger Maggie Gourdin has absolutely no knowledge of sports whatsoever. Naturally, she saw Homecoming as her chance to learn about one of America’s greatest obsessions: football. Here is Maggie’s take on her first ever Columbia football game. Until about twenty-four hours ago, I had never watched, been to, or cared about a college football […]

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Homecoming: the one weekend where everyone cares about the football team. Sports Editor Abby Rubel, who’s been paying attention all season, tells you occasional fans what you need to know. Included: other sports! Football: It’s Homecoming! The Lions (3-2, 0-2 Ivy) will take on Dartmouth’s Big Green (5-0, 2-0 Ivy) (yes, that’s the name of […]

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Bwoggers Leo Bevilacqua and Gabrielle Kloppers review KCST’s adaptation of “Medea,” which was directed by Asya Sagnek, BC ’19, produced by Sophie Seidenberg, BC ’19, stage managed by Ally Han, CC ’19, designed by Breanna Beaudrault, BC ’19, and Kalina Ko, BC ’21, and with dramaturgy by Luke Cregan, CC ’19.  Medea, one of the most celebrated Greek tragedies, […]

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Holy HECK. We just won our homecoming football game. With an overtime win 34-31 over the Penn Quakers (2-3), the Columbia Lions (5-0) extended their streak to a darn-magical 5-0, which hasn’t happened since 1996 (an 8-2 season). The even more magical sequence of events that got us here somehow seemed to quintessentially represent our football past: confusing, […]

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Homecoming isn’t only great for its questionably bandwagon display of school spirit and the darties beforehand. In honor of homecoming, free beer will be served to seniors outside Baker Athletics Complex! You’ll probably need to show a valid senior student ID in order to be served, so just be warned. That is all.

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In the interest of getting people to fill the stands at Homecoming, Staff Writer Abby Rubel and Sports Editor Ross Chapman fill you in on how to pretend like you’ve been a Columbia Football fan all along. So, you know that the Lions are 4-0 going into the Homecoming game against Penn this Saturday and […]

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Senior Staff Writer Ross Chapman analyses how the Columbia football team defied all odds- and physics- to win against Dartmouth this past weekend. Is this the start of the football team’s secret plan for redemption? Columbia football did not dominate in this weekend’s 9-7 homecoming victory against Dartmouth. The defense was thin on first- and second- down plays, and […]

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Once upon a time, Bwog stopped writing about the f-word. Since last year, though, we are once again recognizing that the football team exists. We took to Butler tonight to ask the library-dwellers what they think about Columbia’s homecoming win yesterday (more comprehensive homecoming coverage to come tomorrow–our resident bandies/sports writers are still recovering). Butler […]

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We thought Columbia Athletics giving out free beer at the St. Francis game must have been the epitome of our wonderful institution attempting to persuade to actually have any semblance of pride in its activities. We thought CCSC, ESC, SGA, and ESSC were done trying to support the administration and its myriad of flaws. We thought Columbia […]

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What’s better (wayyyy better) than Columbia Homecoming? Student Organization of Latinos (SOL)’s Homecoming Picnic, tomorrow at 5 pm on Hamilton Lawn! Delicious food and snacks will be served. We don’t know the food specifics yet, but the red-and-white checkered tablecloth photo on the Facebook event page is appetizing. So is the promise of new friendships, […]

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Our next senior wisdom comes to you from your favorite SJP babe Shezza Abboushi Dallal on activism at Columbia and Barnard’s best bathroom. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Shezza Abboushi Dallal, Barnard College, History, Beirut, Lebanon Claim to fame: You might know me as the benevolent dictator of the non-hierarchical, democratic students’ organization Columbia Students for […]

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Homecoming! We lost the game, as expected (although the tragic death of the streak gave the less experienced of us some doubts), but people still had fun, didn’t they?? Whether you showed up only for the pregame, left at halftime, or spent the weekend mourning the death of America’s Next Top Model (RIP the greatest GIF […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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