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Posts Tagged with "fire"

A day of rescuing and reclaiming!

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The jazz show you don’t want to miss. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of death.

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As smoke moves across the region, campus sits at the epicenter of what Governor Kathy Hochul is calling “an emergency crisis.”

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It all started with an art project. Now, Gianna Deveney (BC ‘25), is banned from college housing, putting the rest of her academic career at the institution in jeopardy.

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A small trash can fire broke out in River Hall, causing water damage to students’ property.  

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Ruggles Hall decided to do its best impression of our hearts and minds this finals week by setting itself ablaze. At about 11:30 pm last night, Bwog started receiving tips about a growing fire on 114th Street. When windows started to shatter, we could tell that this was not your average false fire alarm. You can follow […]

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A fire has broken out at Barnard dorm 600 West 116th Street. New York fire department is currently on the scene, and the building has been evacuated. A tip reports that smoke reaches all the way to 121st and Broadway and the entire quad is now being evacuated into Lefrak gymnasium. Email if you […]

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Bwog was just tipped that there is a manhole on fire on the corner of 113th and Broadway. As of now, the street is closed off. Residents along 113th street smell smoke, and firetrucks are on the scene. We’ll update as we hear more.

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Bwog heard that there’s a “humongous” fire around 125th 131st Street. Reports say there are a ton of firetrucks on Amsterdam. There is a lot of visible smoke in the area. According to the FDNY Twitter, they are responding to a report of a commercial fire on the roof at 1440 Amsterdam. If you have […]

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Fire on 110th

According to tipsters, there was some sort of fire on 110th Street. Public Safety told us that a sergeant went down and found everything A-OK. If you have any information, please send it to or use our anonymous tip form.

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Tipsters report that a manhole on 114th and Broadway is spewing flames. Watch your toes! Update: A Bwogger on the scene tells us the police are urging people to clear the area, warning that “it might explode.”

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Passersby of 110th and Amsterdam are reporting a visible building fire, only a few properties away from Harmony. According to Bwog’s reporter at the scene, firemen are using a ladder and axes to rescue people from the building. Four firetrucks, two ambulances, and multiple police cars have arrived at the scene to handle the situation, […]

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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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