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Posts Tagged with "facebook"

Navigating a time-honored Columbia tradition: getting hit on by Anonymous.

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A Bwog staffer noticed some strange goings-on in the Barnard Buy/Sell/Trade Facebook page and decided to investigate. Last week, a post from Sanam Jalinous, BC ’19, and Hannah Hungerford, BC ’19, for a free table at Joe’s revolutionized the potential of Barnard’s Buy/ Sell/ Trade page. No more was the page just for clothing rejects […]

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For those of you in SEAS not active on Facebook, you probably haven’t seen a new meme circulating News Feeds. The “This is _____” meme became popular over the weekend, gaining traction most likely due to Winter Storm Jonas-related boredom. The meme consists of a stick figure depiction and a short truism about the Facebook user. Meme Maniac Mason Amelotte took […]

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Big things are always shaping up on the Barnard Quad. This week that big thing is the newly formed Legend of Korra Viewing Club, held weekly in the Sulz 8 lounge. Legend of Korra is the offshoot of popular Nickelodeon anime series Avatar: The Last Airbender. As one participant’s mother aptly exclaimed, in reaction to […]

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Social Media Scholar Maia Berlow went into the uncharted territory of discovering the allure behind becoming a Facebook celeb. You know ’em, you love ’em, or you love to hate ’em (but really secretly love them because they make the group so much better). Every grade has them. Those kids that post incessantly on the admitted […]

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The Internet is not always a nice place. However, one group of anonymous do-gooding Columbians is trying to change that. Columbia Compliments serves an an intermediary, accepting complimentary Facebook messages intended for specific people and publically posting those messages as its status, without mentioning who sent them. In the end, the lucky recipient gets a […]

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Last week, we posted some salacious screenshots of the Columbia Class of 2016 Facebook page. This morning we received the following in an email tip from a prefroshbear reader (props!): So I saw the post about the Columbia Class of 2016 facebook page. It was pretty funny, but those posts have nothing on the stuff […]

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CANNED BEER: check out this history of the official container of real college’s official drink. (The Daily) VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE AND SKYLINE VIEWS: Bwog knows it’s never too early to start thinking about Valentine’s Day plans (or to start repressing these same thoughts), so why not a private dinner and rooftop pool swim at the Peninsula […]

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Last semester, after Early Decision results went out, we checked in on the Class of 2016’s Facebook page. We expected to be, uh, entertained; we were not disappointed. So last week, when Regular Decision stats were announced, we thought maybe that the 2016 Facebook’s page had had time to ferment. Again, we expected something to chuckle at. Indeed, […]

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Finals start today. Be strong, Columbia. Allow us to whisper sweet nothings in your ear as you blink away the sleep (or lack thereof). This is Bwog in Bed. Bwogline: Facebook released Timeline yesterday, a new feature which puts out front and in order “photos, links and updates for each month and year since they […]

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It’s been a long weekend—one you spent in Butler, no doubt. Re-join us as we continue to profile those library regulars who spent it with you. In this installment of Butler Archetypes, Carpal Tunnel Victim Conor Skelding takes a close look at just how many notifications the guy next to him has.  He’ll give up […]

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Today’s Bwoglines challenge the things you love most: Cartoons: Pinocchio should be punished, Spongebob will destroy our children (Slate, Atlantic) Cigarettes: The future of smoking is e-cigarettes. (NYMag) Sex: Has been displaced by Facebook. (Gizmodo) World History: It’s whatever. (New Yorker) Take-Out: It’s evil! (Gothamist) Emoticons: Sometimes they look like vaginas. (NYT) Google: Is actually taking over the world. (WSJ) There’s one exception! Beavis and Butthead […]

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Every war produces heroes, and this summer’s battle over delayed housing assignments that broke out on the Facebook page for the Class of 2015 is no exception. Bwog is profiling some the most famous and infamous personalities involved that social media shitstorm. In Top of Their Class, you can read about some of the people […]

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Given the predisposition of 2015 to Facebook and the general madness that is a Columbia pre-frosh page, Bwog is profiling the famous and infamous stars of social media. In Top of Their Class, you can read about some of the people you met on the Internet, on the Internet. Name: Austin Akins Famous for: Planning […]

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The advent of social networking brought radical new social dynamics to freshpeople interaction in the form of class-wide facebook groups. The Blue & White has discussed the discarded walls of years past, and explored the legend of everyman Aaron Phillips. This summer, delayed housing assignments precipitated an unprecedented maelstrom of activity on the 2015 page, […]

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