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Posts Tagged with "dorms"

PSA: Before you continue reading, know that I am absolutely, positively, not complaining. 

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The Barnard housing gods continue to wreak havoc in the fourth day of the 123 lottery.

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Housing selection is right around the corner—what better way to pick your dorm for next year than by choosing your favorite Taylor Swift album?

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Staff Writer Angelina Nicolosi takes you through all the dorm decor she’s wanted, still wants, or puts in her cart to pretend like she’s going to buy it.

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Already the subject of much controversy regarding its relationship with the Harlem community, Columbia’s Manhattanville campus is once again facing scrutiny, this time from New York City’s Carpenters Union for working with a non-union contractors to build a new dormitory.

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If you love both Killing Eve and comparing Columbia’s dorms to random things, then you’re in the right place. I have taken it upon myself to procrastinate the work I should be doing to provide you with a certifiable list of comparisons between the assassinations on the show and a collection of campus dorms.

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Staffer Jordan Merrill theorizes/investigates/conspires about the “renovations” in the Carman Hall basement. 

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October can’t come soon enough. To get his spook on, senior Bwogger Leo Bevilacqua decided to sort through his love-hate relationship with Ryan Murphy in a productive way.  MURDER HOUSE (Carman) – Where the horror begins quite literally. Plus, some unfortunate upperclassmen find themselves trapped in this liminal space for years to come as RA’s. Those […]

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Columbia students really aren’t the best with maps. Whether we’re trying to figure out how Barnard works or asking international students for their images of America’s downfall, we’re learning at Bwog that you should probably have a map handy wherever you go instead of trying to remember it yourself. In this edition, we ask CC […]

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Illegally lighting up your menorah is one thing, but what about sneaking a Christmas tree into your dorm? Bwog knows just how important holiday traditions are, and we’ve got you covered. Rite Aid on 110th has the trees, we have the answers. Here are five easy solutions we’ve compiled, à la WikiHow, on how to […]

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Bwog happened upon a freshman living in an upperclassman dorm who doesn’t have a meal plan and wasn’t pre-registered for Core classes—what’s going on here? That’s what we were wondering, too. Chief Freshperson Scrutineer Alexandra Avvocato investigates. Bwog: So I hear rumors that you’re currently living in Broadway. How exactly did that happen? Forgotten Freshman: […]

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Earlier in the week, we posted a not-yet-finalized plan to increase the number of dorms with wireless internet starting in the fall. Now it’s official. Never again shall you trip over a stray ethernet cable in the middle of the night, and never again will you become frustrated when you realize you threw out last […]

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Just when you thought you escaped the woes of Housing over break, they return. Bwog has received word that more dorms next semester will receive free wireless access. Expect this to change some dynamics when it comes to housing selection! Here’s the full list of dorms that will have Wi-Fi starting in the Fall, via […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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