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Posts Tagged with "asian american alliance"

Earlier this afternoon, we received a tip that name tags on the doors of Asian students living in EC, Schapiro, and other dorms had been ripped off. Students affected were both Asian-American and international, but the perpetrators seemed to focus on name tags appearing distinctly non-Western. This vandalism began earlier this semester in EC as the vandals ripped […]

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In a continuing stream of released statements today, we get one from student group AAA (Asian American Alliance, not the place you call when your car breaks down), with support from a huge number of student groups. Below is their statement: According to several news sources, an alleged hate crime occurred on Columbia University’s campus […]

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Free Food!

Head over to the Lerner Ramps at 9:00 for condensed milk and toast, courtesy of the Asian American Alliance. There’s also a big pile of pizza for you (right now!) at the Peer Health Exchange info session, in 603 Hamilton.

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After two years with an interim dean, PrezBo announced five months ago that SEAS has a new dean.  Feni set up shop in Mudd this summer and to welcome him, ESC is hosting a picnic party on the plaza in front of Pupin from 4 to 6 this afternoon. This evening, when the indigestion from […]

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While many of us have only been back on campus for 24 hours or so, the Asian American Alliance (AAA) and Club Zamana have separately decided the time is already ripe for a study break. Beleaguered masses, rise from your work spaces and head to the West Ramp Lounge at 7 for the Tamasha Hype […]

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Now that midterms are over (for some of us!), penny-savers should be quick to hit up two wonderfully delicious free food events today, which include a joint birthday party for the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Intercultural Resource Center and a Teahouse with the Asian American Alliance featuring musical guest Alice Hu (and samosas, […]

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We’re not sure what’s more strange about the AAA poster: that they promote their event with a picture of Calvin Sun et al., or that they’re touting Tokyo Pop as “Columbia’s premier nightclub/lounge.”  Also, Phi Iota Alpha felt the need to promote their rager with a glistening, curvaceous babe. No party in the Lerner Party […]

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A big Bwog welcome to the Blaaag (rhymes with gag, and not to be confused with Blaaaaahg), which we stumbled upon a few weeks ago before it officially launched on Tuesday. The Blaaag staff wants you to know that although it is specific to Asian American stuff, it is not the voice of the Asian […]

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Saturday YouTubing

As Columbia student groups discover technology, we give you the best of their efforts. It’s a whole new world for the Dems, reenergized after their elections last month. According to new president Josh Lipsky, next year the group will be putting on three to five events per week, as well as creating dozens of new […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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