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Posts Tagged with "art history"

Staff writer Sydney Wells attended the first in-person installment of the Bettman Lecture Series since 2019, featuring Dr. Laura Filloy Nadal from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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“City And Landscape in the Ottoman Aleppo: Experiencing Architecture, Narrating Space,” was the next lecture in the Department of Art History and Archaeology’s “‘Islamic Art:’ Disrupting Unity and Discerning Ruptures series,” presented by Heghnar Watenpaugh, professor of Art History at the University of California, Davis. We sent staff writer Romane Thomas to check it out […]

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The Harriman Institute of Columbia hosted the exhibition opening of The Dreamer from the Northern Lights by Andrey Bartenev on Thursday evening. The exhibition featured photographs depicting Bartenev’s performance artwork and was curated by Natasha Sharymova and Alexander Khromov. Correspondent and art aficionado Caroline Montgomery was there, taking it all in, and bringing the best back to you.    […]

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Bwog’s resident Portraiture Enthusiast Mahima Chablani returns with a second edition of Dead White Guys. This time, she’s here to provide the captions for the paintings  surrounding the main stairs in Butler—no one is physically tall enough to come close to reading them. Next time you walk in, stop moaning about bed bugs and Redbull […]

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The term “Old Master” encompasses a lot more tacky artwork than you would have guessed. (NY1) Remember that time over the summer when Republicans took control of the state Senate? Yeah, well, it might happen again. (LI Press) Another attorney general wants to run for governor, hopefully with better results. (Daily News) Speaking of infidelity, […]

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During summer, students may be slaving away at an unpaid resume bullet point internship, scrambling to find something after said internship failed to materialize, or lounging around on the couch (lucky…). Professors and fortunate grad students, though, are still releasing their reports in hopes of gaining a tiny bit of recognition from a conference, providing […]

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 -Photo courtesy of CityRoom Every ArtHum student knows that St. John the Divine is a goldmine for statues, painting, and generally beautiful stuff. But even if you’re not an old hand at looking at old pretty things, it’s certainly worth taking a walk down the street to see St. John’s new additions to the displayed […]

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Here are some more activities to keep Mom and Dad busy because Bwog loves you and your parents and because Bwog has secret tour guide aspirations…. Wallach Art Gallery Columbia has its own mini-museum in Schermerhorn! Who knew? The Wallach Gallery’s classy digs will undoubtedly impress your parents. Maybe you’ll even impress them with your […]

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Leonard and Louise Riggo has given $5 million to the Department of Art History and Archaeology. $3 million will establish two professors in the department, one in African Art, and the other of the department’s choice. The rest is divided evenly between undergrads and grads for internships, thesis research, traveling expenses, and etc. Leonard is […]

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In which an anonymous Bwog contributor tells us what else happened the evening of October 4th. As protestors marched around Lerner Hall last Wednesday evening, a very different showdown was taking shape across campus in Schermerhorn Hall.  The Art History Underground, Columbia’s nascent (and, judging by their president’s introduction, quite enthusiastic) art history club had […]

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Free biscuits and beans on Schermerhorn plaza for “Friends of the Art History Department.” Bwog is a friend of Art History. Are you?

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While the curators of the hallowed Metropolitan Museum of Art felt pretty confident when they dropped $45 million on a Renaissance Masterpiece, CU art history professor James Beck just called them suckers: he’s convinced that this painting’s a fake. Read the full story in the Times.

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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