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The Columbia Lions own a 2-7 record heading into their final football game of the 2015 season, tonight against Brown. While the record still looks bad, it is significant: As just about every Columbia student knows, the Lions haven’t won a single football game in either of the past two seasons under then-head coach Pete […]

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Finally. At long last. It’s over. The Lions rolled over Wagner 26-3 tonight to win their first football game since they beat Cornell 34-17 on November 10th, 2012, exactly 35 months to the date. Take some time to process this. Running back Cameron Molina scored from six yards out, and with the help of a […]

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We are now a few weeks into the fall sports season, but how just how deep varies by team. Some, such as volleyball and soccer, began their seasons before even school had begun. Others, are only now kicking off. We bring you what you should pay attention to this week in Columbia athletics, with senior staff […]

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Calling all students: The first annual Lawn Party is tonight. Get on your best afternoon attire and head out to the Butler Lawn for what might be worth an hour and a meal swipe. You might find yourself in small company, though: if it’s any indication, last year’s Garden Party wasn’t very heavily attended. If you wanna go, […]

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A note to our readers: You may have noticed that Bwog has not covered Columbia Football in almost two years. Older readers will remember why. We have not seen a reason to reconsider our stance since that time. However, the new coaching regime of Al Bagnoli seems to be seeking to right some of the […]

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The strange black piece of modern art in front of Uris is in the process of being taken apart to be refurbished off-campus. The Curl, which you may know as ‘that sculpture everyone says looks like the dollar sign from above,’ will be taken off campus for an unspecified amount of time in an effort to address rust […]

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Last weekend, the Columbia Lions baseball team won its third consecutive Ivy League championship after defeating Dartmouth in a 3-game, 2-day series. Two of the players so instrumental to the victory were pitcher George Thanopoulos and first baseman Nick Maguire. Bwog’s resident baseball fan Max Rettig sat down with George and Nick to get their […]

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Bucket List represents the immense academic privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. This week, take an hour to go to an event. You might just learn something useful for an exam or paper. Our recommendations are below, and the rest of the list can be found below the jump. As always, if we’ve made a […]

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Bucket List represents the immense academic privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. Gear up for the last full week of classes with these enriching educational programs. Our recommendations are below, and you can find the rest of the list after the jump. As always, if we’ve made a mistake or left anything noteworthy off the […]

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In 2001, as a college junior at Notre Dame, Troy Murphy left his academic career behind in the hopes of joining the National Basketball Association and pursuing a dream. Later that year, that dream—so elusive for so many—would come true when Murphy was drafted as the 14th pick in the first round of the 2001 […]

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Bucket List represents the immense academic privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. This week, soak up the sun and some knowledge. Our recommendations are below, and the full list can be found below the jump. As always, if we’ve made a mistake or left anything noteworthy off the list, please let us know in the comments.  […]

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Last night, Maison Francaise brought in some accomplished environmentalists to talk. Energy expert Max Rettig reports on what he heard.  Two years ago, French economist Thomas Piketty published a ground-breaking book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, about wealth inequality throughout the world. In it, he touched on natural capital only briefly. On Tuesday night in […]

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Bucket List represents the immense academic privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. Get back into the learning groove after Bachannal. Our recommendations are below, and the rest of the list can be found after the jump. As always, if we’ve made a mistake or left anything noteworthy off the list, please let us know in […]

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Bucket List represents the immense academic privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. This week, learn about what your professors were like in the sixties as political activists, and hopefully get them to tell a good story in class. Our recommendations are below, and the full list can be found after the jump. As always, if […]

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Bucket List represents the immense academic privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. After a relaxing break, sharpen your knowledge of local, regional, national and global politics. No, Homeland and Scandal don’t count. Our recommended events are below, and the full list can be found below the jump. As always, if we’ve made a mistake or […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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