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Senior Staff Writer Henry Golub talks with student director Rishi Chhapolia (CC ’22) about his film Faust’s Facade, streaming on YouTube and Vimeo.

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Instructions: Choose the answer that most effectively addresses the question asked. You have one minute to complete this section of the test.

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Columbia students take you across the globe with interactive fiction.

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Million Dollar Ideas

By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll have so much money that you’ll have trouble seeing the stairs.

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Proper planning prevents poor performance.

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Senior Staff Writer Henry Golub’s got some new suitemates he’d like to talk about.

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If there’s one thing on which we can all agree, it’s that calculations should never be done on the fronts of envelopes. That’s why today we’re going to use the back of an envelope to do a previously unattempted calculation—finding out our distance from Alma.

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Senior Staff Writer Henry Golub received a bad lottery number. He reviews the dorm he will likely wind up in.

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So useless to deride, so useful to descry: Ferris, the best dorm on campus, gets described. (Note: This is the first of Bwog’s annual Housing Reviews. Check back soon for more.)

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PeopleHop: The Wall

Senior Staff Writer Henry Golub interviews a wall.

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Columbia Plants Guide

Senior Staff Writer Henry Golub ’84 names the plants.

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Bwog Weather

Senior Staff Writer Henry Golub tells you whether it rained today.

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We sat down with a student who got really tired after exclusively eating Ferris food for a week. The story is the latest in a trend of food-related debilities.

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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