Anna Kournikova's Instagram Account Is Actually Fun


Anna Kournikova is now 33 and lives a rather quiet life as Enrique Iglesias’ longtime girlfriend and retired tennis legend who never won a tournament. There’s no need to rehash her story. She had the run where she was the most searched hot chick on Lycos or whatever you were using back in the day. Then she pretty much disappeared for years. Sure, there were a few times when she popped up on BC for real estate deals, but that was the rare occasion.
Little did I know, until today, that Anna has been over on Instagram posting some decent photos since August when she opened the account. There are chocolate lab photos, a photo of a jar of pickles, a photo of a cooked turkey and random shots of Anna doing what retired ex-athletes do when they don’t really have a job.
What’s weird is that Anna only has 22,700 followers. She was the 8th most searched woman on Google in 2001, one spot behind Shakira. Times sure have changed. Now Anna can post photos of herself grabbing ankles and it barely causes a ripple on the Internet.
[Anna Kournikova – IG]

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