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Pepperdine | Graziadio Business School

Job Search Strategies

Person at job interview

Many resources are available to impact your job search and help you find the right position.  When starting to search for your next career you may utilize these resources:

  • Linkedin 
  • Email
  • Networking
  • PeppConnect

LAMP List: A lamp list is a very helpful strategy in keeping your job search organized.  View this LAMP List Video for guidance.

  • L - (List) List of targeted companies
  • A - (Alumni) Alumni who work at that company
  • M - (Motivator) Level of interest from 1-5
  • P - (Posting) Posting of the job

Job applications are a big part of the job search process. Below are links to find jobs, company reviews, salary information and contacts: 


Interviewing is an essential part of the job search process and requires continuous practice. When preparing for your interview, you may be wondering what questions will be asked. While there’s no way to know for sure what topics will be covered, there are two common types of interview questions: behavioral and traditional. 

  • Behavioral questions reveal how a candidate has or would handle a specific workplace situation and determine your fit within an organization.
  • Traditional questions are more generic and typically cover the interviewees skill sets and values.

Partner with your Career Coach to utilize these resources:

  • Mastering Interview Questions

    • Knowing what to prepare for in an interview can be challenging.  Familiarizing yourself with the various types of interview questions can build your confidence.  The two most prevalent types are traditional and behavioral questions.  
    • Storytelling gives you the opportunity to create a genuine and unique rapport with the interviewer. A story has the potential during a job interview to answer their questions in a way that can really convey your true self. 
    • Leveraging your study abroad experience can really set you apart to make you a stand out candidate.
    • The STAR interview method is recommended when answering behavioral based questions.   This is the format:

      • Situation: What was the situation?  
      • Task: What was the task at hand that you needed to complete?
      • Action: What was the specific action you took to resolve the situation?
      • Result: What was the result of the situation and how did you resolve it?
  • Mock Interviewing: Our Career and Professional Development Team can help prepare you with a mock interview and provide you with real-time feedback
  • LinkedIn’s Interview Preparation feature gives you access to quality videos, informative text, and tips by experts and hiring managers on how to answer the most common interview questions.

    You can also privately practice your answers to interview questions, either by recording a video or writing a response.

  • Interview Etiquette

Getting Hired

Congratulations! You have received a job offer!

After the Interview

  • Inquire about next steps to understand the employer’s timeframe for hiring
  • Thank the interviewer for his/her time and consideration
  • Ask for business cards/contact information for follow-up
  • Be sure to send a thank you note to each employee who interviewed you. A proper thank you note:

    • Can be sent via email or snail mail (or why not both?!)
    • Should be sent within 24 hours of the interview
    • Reiterates your interest in the position and the company
    • Confirms how you would be a great fit for the role

Negotiating a Job Offer

Once you’ve received your job offer, it is important that you take the time to consider the offer and do your research. By taking the following steps before entering the negotiation process, you will have the advantage of information on your side:

  • Investigate the job online and ask clarifying questions to help you gain an understanding of important considerations like salary, benefits, job flexibility, required travel, etc.
  • Identify what your top priorities for the position are and what you’d be willing to sacrifice in order to accept the position.
  • Use this information to develop potential negotiation and counter-negotiation points.
  • Research the salary range for the position based upon its title, location, and your level of experience

Company Culture

Research will help you to determine if the company and its culture are a good fit. The last thing you want to do is to end up in a toxic work environment. With this in mind, determine if the beliefs and behaviors of the company and its employees are comfortable to you. Think about what it is you value in a workplace environment and determine if the company you’re considering offers a culture that is in alignment with what you’re looking for.