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Pepperdine | Graziadio Business School

Featured Journal Articles

Please note that all journal images are supplied with publisher's permission.


Academy of Marketing Science


Cristel, A. R. & Hamby, A. (2022). How does ambivalence affect young consumers’ response to risky products?. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 841-863.

Human Relations


Franczak, J., Hochwarter, W., Jordan, S. L., Kapoutsis, I., Babalola, M. T., Khan, A. K., & Li, Y. (2022). Sometimes enough is enough: Nurses' nonlinear levels of passion and the influence of politics. Human Relations.

MIT Sloan Management Review


Franczak, J., Odom, C., & McAllister, C. (Digital, April 18, 2022). Equity in the hybrid office. MIT Sloan Management Review (digital).


Academy of Management Journal


Gibson, C. B. (2022). Investing in communities: Forging new ground in corporate community co-development through relational and psychological pathways. Academy of Management Journal, 65 (3).

Academy of Management Annals.


Gibson, C.B., Thomason, B., Margolis, J., Groves, K., Gibson, S.C., & Franczak, J. (In press). Dignity inherent and earned: The experience of dignity at work. Academy of Management Annals.

Journal of Advertising


Hamby, A. & Russell, C. (2022). Strategies and tools to enhance the use of dynamic audiovisual stimuli in academic advertising research. Journal of Advertising, 1-10.

Journal of Operations Management


Jacobs, B.W., Singhal, V.R., & Zhan, X. (2022). Stock market reaction to global supply chain disruptions from the 2018 US government ban on ZTE. Journal of Operations Management, 68(8), 816-823.

Journal of Management Studies


Margolis, J., Chen, J., Chu, J., Lien, W., Nadkarni, S., Resick, C., & Shao, P. (2022). I did it my way: CEO core self-evaluations and the environmental contingencies of firm risk taking strategies. Journal of Management Studies.

Human Resource Management


Sumper, D. M. & Gibson, C. (2022). Riding the wave to recovery: Relational energy as an HR managerial resource for employees during crisis recovery. Human Resource Management.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice


Sumpter, D.M., Mills, M., & Reina, C. (Forthcoming). Bringing our humanness to the workplace: Fostering reflection and reflexivity via mindful relating. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice.

Harvard Business Review


Thomason, B. (2022, January 12). Stop telling working women they just need equal partnership at home. Harvard Business Review (digital).


Harvard Business Review


Thomason, B., & Franczak, J. (2022, February 3). 3 tensions leaders need to manage in the hybrid workplace. Harvard Business Review (digital).

Journal of Labor Economics


Thomason, B., Sumpter, D., Chawla, N., Gabriel, A., Greenberg, D., Lampert, C., Moergen, K, & Umphress, E. (September 26, 2022.) How organizations can take a lead in protecting reproductive rights. MIT Sloan Management Review(digital).



Journal of Labor Economics


Ashworth, J., Hotz, V. J., Maurel, A., & Ransom, T. (2021). Changes across cohorts in wage returns to schooling and early work experiences. Journal of Labor Economics, 39(4), 931-964.

Journal of Advertising


Bauer, B.C., & Johnson, C.D. (2021). “I thought my idea to use your idea was a great idea”: Inadvertent plagiarism in marketing. Journal of Advertising, 1-10.


Academy of Management Discoveries


Carroll, J. S., Christianson, M. K., Frese, M., Lei, Z., Naveh, E., & Vogus, T. J. (2021). Errors in organizations: Exploring new frontiers and developing new opportunities for theory, research, and impact. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(4), 451-460.


Organization Science


Cameron, L. D., Thomason, B., & Conzon, V. M. (2021). Risky business: Gig workers and the navigation of ideal worker expectations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(12), 1821-1833.


Journal of Applied Pscyhology


Del Bucchia, C., Miltgen, C. L., Russell, C. A., & Burlat, C. (2021). Empowerment as latent vulnerability in techno-mediated consumption journeys. Journal of Business Research, 124, 629-651.


Harvard Business Review


Dietrich, D., & Russell, C. A. (2021). A framework of brand contestation: Toward brand antifragile. Journal of Consumer Research, 48(4), 682-708.

Harvard Business Review


Feiereisen, S., Rasolofoarison, D., Russell, C. A., & Schau, H. J. (2021). One brand, many trajectories: Narrative navigation in transmedia. Journal of Consumer Research, 48(4), 651-681.


JOM Journal of Management


Gibson, C. B., Gibson, S. C., & Webster, Q. (2021). Expanding our strategic resources: Including community in the resource-based view of the firm. Journal of Management, 47(7), 1871-1898.


Harvard Business Review


Gift, P. (2021). The impact of new judging criteria on 10-8 scores in MMA. Journal of Sports Analytics, 7(4), 235-246.


Journal of International Financial Markets


Harjoto, M. A., Hoepner, A. G., & Li, Q. (2021). Corporate social irresponsibility and portfolio performance: A cross-national study. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 70, 101274.


Harvard Business Review


Holtom, B., Zhike Lei, Reeves, C., & Darabi, T. (2021). Are you trying to retain the right employees? Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–6.


journal of business research


Johnson, C., Bauer, B., Kelting, K., Jankuhn, N., & Sim, W. (2021). Location, location… mailing location? The impact of address as a signal. Journal of Business Research, 128(2), 326-337.


academy of management perspective


Johnson, C. D., Bauer, B. C., & Niederman, F. (2021). The automation of management and business science. Academy of Management Perspectives, 35(2), 292-309.


Journal of real estate


Kim, D., Seo, Y., & Freybote, J. (2021). Urbanity, financial crisis and the timing of homebuying decisions by young households. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 62(4), 481-507.


applied psychology


Lyddy, C. J., Good, D. J., Bolino, M. C., Thompson, P. S., & Stephens, J. P. (2021). The costs of mindfulness at work: The moderating role of mindfulness in surface acting, self-control depletion, and performance outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(12), 1921-1938.


journal academy marketing


Miller, C. J., Brannon, D. C., Salas, J., & Troncoza, M. (2021). Advertising, incentives, and the upsell: how advertising differentially moderates customer-vs. retailer-directed price incentives’ impact on consumers’ preferences for premium products. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(6), 1043-1064.


Services Marketing


Miller, C. J., Samper, A., Mandel, N., Brannon, D. C., Salas, J. & Troncoza, M. (2021). Activity apprehension in experiential purchases. Journal of Services Marketing, 35(4), 516-534.


journal business research


Nagel, D. M., Giunipero, L., Jung, H., Salas, J., & Hochstein, B. (2021). Purchaser perceptions of early phase supplier relationships: The role of similarity and likeability. Journal of Business Research, 128, 174-86.


academy of management perspective


Sumpter, D. M., Greenberg, D., & Kim, S. H. (2021). The dark side of construct convergence: Navigating consensus, evolution, and practical relevance in theory building. Academy of Management Perspectives, 35(3), 485-502.



Academic Medicine


Schmutz, J. B., Lei, Z., & Eppich, W. J. (2021). Reflection on the fly: Development of the team reflection behavioral observation (TuRBO) system for acute care teams. Academic Medicine, 96(9), 1337-1345.


Organization Science


Thomason, B. (2021). Ideal or idiosyncratic? How women manage work-family role conflict with focal and peripheral role senders. Organization Science,1-25.


Harvard Business Review Digital Articles


Thomason, B., & Cusumano, M. (2021). How Working Dads Can Keep Pulling Their Weight at Home When WFH Ends. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–5.



Advances in Accounting Jounal


Harjoto, M. A., Laksmana, I., & Lee, W. E. (2020). Female leadership in corporate social responsibility reporting: Effects on writing, readability and future social performance. Advances in accounting, 49, 100475.



Journal of Management Information Systems


Hong, S. J., Bauer, J. M., Lee, K., & Granados, N. F. (2020). Drivers of supplier participation in ride-hailing platforms. Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(3), 602-630.




Production and Operations Management journal cover


Jacobs, B. W., & Singhal, V. R. (2020). Shareholder value effects of the Volkswagen emissions scandal on the automotive ecosystem. Production and Operations Management, 29(10), 2230-2251.




Gender Work and Organization


Thomason, B., & Macias‐Alonso, I. (2020). COVID‐19 and raising the value of care. Gender, Work & Organization, 27(5), 705-708.




Academy of Management journal cover


Bowles, H. R., Thomason, B., & Bear, J. B. (2019). Reconceptualizing what and how women negotiate for career advancement. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1645-1671.


Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management


Naveh, E., & Lei, Z. (2019). Coping with Errors in Organizations: Challenges, Opportunities, and Frontiers for Operations Management Research, Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management 12(4), 349-433.


Group & Organization Management


Margolis, J. A., & Dust, S. B. (2019). It's all relative: A team-based social comparison model for self-evaluations of effectiveness. Group and Organization Management, 44(2), 361-95.

Health Affairs


Lei, Z. & Naveh, E. (2019). Patient safety and other priorities. Health Affairs, 38(4). (Letters to the editor)

Health Care Management Review


Groves, K. (2019). Examining the impact of succession management practices on organizational performance: A national study of U.S. hospitals. Health Care Management Review, 44(4), 356-65.

Human Relations


Graham, K.A., Resick, C.J., Margolis, J.A., Shao, P., Hargis, M.B., & Kiker, J.D. (2019). Egoistic norms, organizational identification, and the perceived ethicality of unethical pro-organizational behavior: A moral maturation perspective. Human Relations 73(9), 1249-77.

Journal of Applied Psychology


Bindl, U., Unsworth, K., & Gibson, C.B. & Stride, C. (2019). Job crafting revisited: Implications of an extended framework for active changes at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(5), 605-628.


Journal of Business Research journal cover


Harjoto, M., & Rossi, F. (2019). Religiosity, female directors, and corporate social responsibility for Italian listed companies. Journal of Business Research, 95, 338-46.

Journal of Business Research journal cover


Majid, K.A. & Russell, C.A. (2019). Value dynamics in the secondary market: Documenting how the structure of pricing and product lines in the primary market affect value retention. Journal of Business Research, 103 (October), 89-99.

Journal of International Business Studies journal cover


Gibson, C. B., Dunlop, P. D., & Cordery, J. L. (2019). Managing formalization to increase global team effectiveness and meaningfulness of work in multinational organizations. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(6), 1021-1052.


Journal of Management Studies journal cover


Gibson, C. B., Birkinshaw, J., Sumpter, D. M., & Ambos, T. (2019). Hierarchical erosion effect: A new perspective on the strategic consensus-performance relationship. Journal of Management Studies, 56(8), 1713-1747.


Manufacturing and Service Operations Management journal cover


Hendricks, K.B., Jacobs, B.W., & Singhal, V.R. (2019). Stock market reaction to supply chain disruptions from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22(4), 645-867.


Organizational Psychology Review journal cover


Rico, R., Gibson, C.B., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., & Clark, M. (2019). Building team effectiveness through adaptation: Team knowledge and implicit and explicit coordination. Organizational Psychology Review 9(2), 71-98.


Real Estate Economics journal cover


Kim, D. & Wiley, J. (2019). NAV premiums & REIT property transactions. Real Estate Economics. doi: 10.1111/1540-6229.12239

PLOS One journal cover


Russell, C.A. and Russell, D.W. (2019). The evolution of mental health outcomes across a combat deployment cycle: A longitudinal study of the Guam Army National Guard. PLOS One 15(3), e0230140.


Public Health Reports journal cover


Russell, C. A., Kazman, J. and Russell, D. (2019). Body composition and physical fitness tests amongst US Army soldiers: A comparison of the active and reserve components. Public Health Reports 134(5), 502-513. doi: 10.1177/0033354919867069




Academy of Management Discoveries journal cover


Carroll, J., Christianson, M., Frese, M., Lei, Z., Naveh, E., & Vogus, T.* (2018). Errors in organizations: Exploring new frontiers, and developing new opportunities for theory, research and impact. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(3), 388–395 (*Equal contribution of all authors).

Academy of Management Review journal cover


Alvarez, S., Afuah, A., & Gibson, C.B. (2018). Should management theories take uncertainty seriously? Academy of Management Review, 43, 169-172.

Academy of Management Review journal cover


Kim, P.H., Ployhart, R., and Gibson, C.B. (2018). Is organizational behavior over-theorized? Academy of Management Review, 43, 541-545.

Energy Economics journal cover


Hahn, W. J., DiLellio, J. A., and Dyer, J. S. (2018). Risk premia in commodity price forecasts and their impact on valuation. Energy Economics.

Human Relations journal cover


Dibble, R., & Gibson, C.B. (2018). Crossing team boundaries: A theoretical model of team boundary permeability and why it matters. Human Relations, 71(7): 925-950.

Journal of Business Ethics journal cover


Harjoto, M. and Laksmana, I. (2018). The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Risk Taking and Firm Value. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(2),353-373.

Journal of Business Research journal cover


Harjoto, M., Laksmana, I., & Yang, Y. (2018). Board diversity and corporate investment oversight. Journal of Business Research, 90, 40-47.

Group and Organization Management


Quigley, N., Collins, C.C., Gibson, C.B. & Parker, S.K. (forthcoming). Team performance archetypes: Toward a new conceptualization of team performance over time. Group and Organization Management 43(5), 787-824.


Journal of Organizational Behavior journal cover


Schmutz, J. B., Lei, Z., Eppich, W., & Manser, T. (2018). Reflection in the heat of the moment: The role of in-action team reflexivity in healthcare emergency teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 749–765. (*Won the Runner-Up Best Paper of 2018 from the journal)

Production and Operations Management journal cover


Granados Rugeles, N. F., Han, K., & Zhang, D. (2018). Demand and revenue impacts of an opaque channel: Evidence from the airline industry. Production and Operations Management, 27(11), 2010-24.

The Leadership Quarterly journal cover


Dust, S. B., Resick, C. J., Margolis, J., Mawritz, M., & Greenbaum, R. (2018). Ethical leadership and employee success: Examining the roles of psychological empowerment and emotional exhaustion. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(5), 570-583.


Academy of Management journal cover


Hajro, A., Gibson, C., & Pudelko, M. (2017). Knowledge exchange processes in multicultural teams: Linking organizational diversity climates to teams’ effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal, 60(1), 345-372.

Decision Sciences journal cover


DiLellio, J.A., & Ostrov, D. (2017). Optimal strategies for traditional vs. roth IRA/401(k) consumption during retirement. Decision Sciences.

Group & Organization Management journal cover


Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., M. Chiu, Z. Lei, and S. Kauffeld (2017). Understanding positivity within dynamic team interactions: A statistical discourse analysis. Group and Organization Management, 42(1) 39–78. (*Awarded for the “Best Paper 2017” from the journal)

Journal of Business Ethics journal cover


Harjoto, M., Jo, H., & Kim, Y. (2017). Is institutional ownership related to corporate social responsibility? The nonlinear relation and its implication for stock return volatility. Journal of Business Ethics, 146(1), 77-109.

Journal of Business Research journal cover


Chen, T., Tribbitt, M. A., Yang, Y., & Li, X. (2017). Does rivals' innovation matter? A competitive dynamics perspective on firms' product strategy. Journal of Business Research, 76, 1-7.

Journal of International Business Studies journal cover


Huang, L., Gibson, C.B., Kirkman, B.L, & Shapiro, D. (2017). When is traditionalism an asset and when is it a liability for team innovation: A two-study empirical examination. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(6), 653-715.

Journal of International Business Studies journal cover


Kirkman, B.L., Lowe, K. & Gibson, C.B. (2017). A Retrospective on culture’s consequences: A 35-year journey. Journal of International Business Studies, 48, 12-29.

Journal of Operations Management journal cover


Jacobs, B.W. & Singhal, V.R. (2017). The effect of the Rana Plaza disaster on shareholder wealth of retailers: Implications for sourcing strategies and supply chain governance. Journal of Operations Management, 49-51(1), 52-66. 10.1016/j.jom.2017.01.002

Journal of Management journal cover


Bundy, J., Pfarrer, M. D., Short, C. E., & Coombs, W. T. (2017). Crises and crisis management: Integration, interpretation, and research development. Journal of Management, 43(6), 1661-92.

Organization Science journal cover

Tzabbar, D., & Margolis, J.(2017). Beyond the startup stage: The founding team’s human capital, new venture’s stage of life, founder–CEO duality, and breakthrough innovation. Organization Science, 28(5), 857-872.


MIT Sloan Management Review journal cover


Worley, C., Williams, T., & Lawler, E. (2016). Creating management processes built for change. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(1), 77-82.

Academy of Management Discoveries journal cover


Värlander, S., Hinds, P., Thomason, B., Pearce, B. M., & Altman, H. (2016). Enacting a constellation of logics: How transferred practices are recontextualized in a global organization. Academy of Management Discoveries, 2(1), 79-107.

Group & Organization Management journal cover


Lei, Z. *, Waller, M., Hagen, J. & Kaplan, S. (2016). Team adaptiveness in dynamic contexts: Contextualizing the roles of interaction patterns and in-process planning. Group & Organization Management, 41, 491–525. (*Awarded “Best Paper 2016” from the journal.)

Journal of Management journal cover


Good, D.J., Lyddy, C., Glomb, T., Bono, J., Brown, K.W., Duffy, M., Baer, R. Brewer, J., & Lazar, S. (2016). Contemplating mindfulness: An integrative review. Journal of Management.

Journal of Management journal cover


Lei, Z., Naveh, E. & Novikov, Z. (2016). Errors in organizations: An integrative review via level of analysis, temporal, and priority lenses. Journal of Management, 42, 1315–43.

Organization Science journal cover


Al Dabbagh, M., Bowles, H. R., & Thomason, B. (2016). Status reinforcement in emerging economies: The psychological experience of local candidates striving for global employment. Organization Science, 27(6), 1453-71.

Journal of Business Ethics journal cover


Russell, C.A., Russell, D.W., & Honea, H.H. (2016). Implied social contract and consumer responses to corporate behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 136(4), 759-73.

Production and Operations Management journal cover


Jacobs, B.W., Karaude, R., & Narayanan, S. (2016). Operational productivity, corporate social performance, financial performance, and risk in manufacturing firms. Production and Operations Management, 25(12), 2065-85. 10.1111/poms.12596

Real Estate Economics journal cover


Kim, D. & Ziobrowski, A.J. (2016). The borrower's perceived risk in mortgage choice. Real Estate Economics, 44, 606-26. 10.1111/1540-6229.12114

The Leadership Quarterly journal cover


Margolis, J. A., & Ziegert, J. C. (2016). Vertical flow of collectivistic leadership: An examination of the cascade of visionary leadership across levels. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(2), 334-48.


Decision Sciences journal cover


Narasimhan, R., Schoenherr, T., Jacobs, B. W., & Kim, M.K. (2015). The financial impact of FSC certification in the United States: A contingency perspective. Decision Sciences, 46(3), 527-63.

Journal of Operations Management journal cover


Jacobs, B.W., Swink, M., & Linderman, K. (2015). Performance effects of early and late Six Sigma adoptions. Journal of Operations Management, 36(1), 244-257. 10.1016/j.jom.2015.01.002

Journal of Management journal cover


Cordery, J.L., Cripps, E., Gibson C.B., Soo, C., Kirkman, B.L., & Mathieu, J.M. (2015). The operational impact of organizational communities of practice: A Bayesian approach to analyzing organizational change. Journal of Management, 41(2), 644-64.

Organization Science journal cover

Casciaro, T., Barsade S., Edmondson, A., Gibson, C., Krackhardt, D., & Labianca, G. (2015). The integration of psychological and network perspectives in organizational scholarship. Organization Science, 26(4), 1162–76.



Academy of Management Learning and Education journal cover


Waller, M., Lei, Z., & Pratten, R. (2014). Focusing on teams in crisis management education: An integration and simulation-based approach. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 13(2), 208-21.

Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior journal cover


Edmondson, A. C. & Lei, Z. * (2014). Psychological safety: The history, renaissance, and future of an interpersonal construct. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1, 23-43.

Business Ethics: A European Review journal cover


Jo, H. & Harjoto, M. (2014). Analyst coverage, corporate social responsibility and firm risk. Business Ethics: A European Review, 23(3), 272-92.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence journal cover


Russell, D., Russell, C.A., Riviere, L.A., Thomas, J.L., Wilk, J., & Bliese, P.D. (2014). Changes in alcohol use after traumatic experiences: The impact of combat on army national guardsmen. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 139(June), 47-52.

Energy Economics journal cover


Hahn, J., DiLellio, J.A. & Dyer, J. (2014). What do market-calibrated stochastic processes indicate about the long-term price of crude oil? Energy Economics, 44, 212-21.

Journal of Advertising journal cover


Noguti, V. & Russell, C.A. (2014). Normative influences on product placement effects: Alcohol brands in television series and the influence of presumed influence. Journal of Advertising, 43 (1), 46-62.

Journal of Banking and Finance journal cover


Paglia, J. & Harjoto, M. (2014). The effects of private equity and venture capital on sales and employment growth in small and medium-sized businesses. Journal of Banking and Finance, 47, 177-97.

Journal of Consumer Research journal cover


Russell, C.A. & Schau, H.J. (2014). Coping with the end of narrative brands: The impact of narrative closure and consumption sociality on loss accommodation. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(April), 1039-62.

Management Scienc


Li, J., Granados, N.F., & Netessine, S. (2014). Are consumers strategic? Structural estimation from the air travel industry. Management Science, 60(9), 2114-37.

Production and Operations Management


Jacobs, B.W. (2014). Shareholder value effects of voluntary emissions reduction. Production and Operations Management, 23(11), 1859-74.