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Pepperdine | Graziadio Business School

Funding Opportunities

University Funding Resources

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) at Pepperdine serves all faculty and staff, fostering an environment in which research and scholarship are valued and recognized. Discover more resources to assist faculty in identifying and locating funding sources for research and projects here.

  • Purpose: To support faculty doing research in alignment with the mission of Pepperdine University and the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School. The research will focus on identifying students at risk and developing appropriate intervention plans via artificial intelligence. Dr. Hall stated, "We are entering a new era where artificial intelligence will play an ever-increasing role in the delivery of management education. This is a most exciting time and the Graziadio School is well positioned to utilize this new technology in developing students for lives of purpose, service, and leadership."
  • Duration: Two Years
  • Level of Funding: This endowment, which is restricted to support tenured faculty only, will fund one faculty member.
  • The faculty recipient will teach a 16-credit load per year, be given an annual $5,000 stipend and have available an annual $20,000 research fund. Only tenured faculty members are eligible for the Denney Academic Chair, per the terms of the endowment agreement. Awards will be made by the Dean upon recommendation of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Department Chairs.
  • Dean's Stipulations: Faculty who are awarded this endowment will continue to receive their annual development funds. However, they will not be eligible to apply for the Funds for Excellence or other internal research awards. Faculty will be expected to report the results of their research to the faculty in a future Academic Forum or similar venue.
  • Other Requirements: Published articles resulting from work that is done supported by this funding should be acknowledged in the article. Example: "This research was supported by the Denney endowment."
  • Proposal Format: Please ensure that your proposal contains at least the following sections:

    • Research Purpose and Relevant Background
    • Alignment with University Mission and Graziadio Mission
    • Research Design/Approach/Methodology
    • Application Value/Contribution to Practice
    • Deliverables including targeted publication(s)
    • Research Schedule and Milestones
    • Research Budget providing allocation of funding (e.g. data \bases, transcription, etc.)
  • Applicants are asked to include a copy of their updated curriculum vitae with the proposal.
  • Attributed Denney awards:

    • 2021-2023 Nelson Granados
    • 2019-2021 Agus Harjoto
    • 2017-2019 Owen Hall
    • 2015-2017 Agus Harjoto
    • 2013-2015 Kevin Groves
    • 2011-2013 Mark Chun
    • 2009-2011 John Paglia
    • 2008-2009 Charla Griffy-Brown
  • Purpose: To support faculty doing research in alignment with the mission of Pepperdine University and the Graziadio Business School.
  • Duration: Two years
  • Level of Funding: This endowment will fund two faculty members. Each faculty recipient will be awarded a one course release (four credits) for each year, along with an annual research fund of $5,000. All tenure/tenure track faculty members are eligible for the Julian Virtue Professorship. Awards will be made by the Dean upon recommendation of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Department Chairs.
  • Dean's Stipulations: Faculty who are awarded this endowment will continue to receive their annual development funds. In addition, they may apply for the Funds for Excellence, however, their applications will receive secondary priority. They are still eligible to receive AQ release time. They will be expected to report the results of their research to their faculty colleagues at a future Academic Forum or similar venue.
  • Other Requirements: Published articles resulting from work that is done supported by this funding should be acknowledged in the article. Example: "This research was supported by the Julian Virtue Professorship endowment."
  • Proposal Format: Please ensure that your proposal contains at least the following sections:

    • Research Purpose and Relevant Background
    • Alignment with University Mission and Graziadio Mission
    • Research Design/Approach/Methodology
    • Application Value/Contribution to Practice
    • Deliverables including targeted publication(s)
    • Research Schedule and Milestones
    • Research Budget providing allocation of funding (e.g. databases, transcription, etc.)
  • Applicants are asked to include a copy of their updated curriculum vitae with the proposal.
  • Attributed Julien Virtue awards:

    • 2022-2024: Dana Sumpter
    • 2021-2023: Dongshin Kim, Cole Short
    • 2020-2022: Bobbi Thomason
    • 2019-2021: Kwangjin (KJ) Lee, Jaclyn Margolis
    • 2018-2020: Jim DiLeillo, Jared Ashworth
    • 2017-2019: Rick Walton, Jim Salas, Darren Good, Zhike Lei, Robert Lee, Jillian Alderman
    • 2016-2018: Jaclyn Margolis, Dongshin Kim
    • 2015-2017: Andres Simon, Nelson Granados
    • 2014-2015: James DiLellio, Robert Lee
    • 2013-2015: Abraham Park, Darren Good
    • 2012-2014: Nelson Granados, Joetta Forsyth
    • 2011-2013: Agus Harjoto, Maggi Phillips
    • 2011-2012: Bill Bleuel, Owen Hall, Dave McMahon
    • 2009-2011: Steve Ferraro, Samuel Seaman, Michael Williams
    • 2008-2010: Mark Chun, Kevin Groves
    • 2007-2009: Nelson Granados, John Paglia

All full-time faculty may apply for Funds for Academic Excellence. Proposals need to clearly be aligned with our School mission. Proposals that include the production of manuscript(s) for publication in quality outlets are preferred. Any software, capital equipment, or other enduring assets that would be acquired through these funds will become property of the School as a whole. Purchase of these items must be coordinated through Academic Affairs, or risk non-reimbursement, per University policy.

Faculty will be expected to report the results of their research to their faculty colleagues in a future Academic Forum or similar venue. Please forward your proposals via email to your Department Chair and CC the Director of the Center for Applied Research ( All proposals will be considered and a funding decision rendered within 30 days of submission.

The following information is a template that should be used for FFE proposals.

Funds for Excellence Proposal Template

  • Name
  • Statement of proposed project: Within this statement, please indicate whether your work will lead to a written manuscript that will be submitted for publication.
  • Please describe how the proposed expenditure will benefit at least two areas below.
    • your teaching
    • your intellectual contributions
    • the Graziadio Business School
    • the University
    • contemporary business practice
  • Funding: How much are you requesting and how would funds be used? Please include estimated amounts for major categories, and provide documentation when appropriate. (Proposals that include estimates which appear inflated and/or are unsupported with documentation may be only partially funded or rejected altogether.)

Funds may be used for items such as travel, software, hard assets, labor (outside services such as surveying or transcription), and databases. Please note if your proposal will also encumber internal school resources, such as support staff. In addition, please note if you are expecting to receive any funds for this project from any other source.

Applicants are asked to include a copy of their updated curriculum vitae with the proposal.



All support to Pepperdine and the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School makes a difference—to the lives of students, faculty, and the life and future of the university. No matter how big or small, your participation is vital. There are many ways to give, including supporting faculty research.