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Pepperdine | Graziadio Business School

Alumni Network: Get Involved

Check out exciting highlights from our biggest night, the Graziadio Alumni New Graduate and Alumni Reception.

Our alumni play an important role in continuing the reputation of the school... and the reverse is true as well. When the Graziadio School name remains strong, your own reputation is strengthened in the eyes of potential employers, business partners, clients, and colleagues.

You can help enhance our strong reputation and move it to the highest level possible. Our Graziadio Alumni Network (GAN) is comprised of more than 43,000 members, and our community, made up of professionals in every industry imaginable, spans the entire globe. As an alumnus, you have many opportunities to make an impact in your professional and personal life and to make a difference in the lives of others. There are four main areas you can become involved: career, alumni giving, recruitment, and engagement (C.A.R.E.).

Areas of Involvement

Hire a Wave

The Graziadio School offers experience-driven leaders who can help you to take your organization to the next level. Share your current job postings, schedule a date to host an information session at one of our graduate campuses, or hire an MBA intern for the summer. Successful employment of recent graduates is an influencing factor for business school rankings and can enhance the reputation of your alma mater.

How to hire Graziadio

Join PeppConnect

In this unique virtual community, Pepperdine alumni, faculty, staff, and parents have made themselves available to offer the exact resources you're looking for in one convenient location. Log in today to build professional, personal, and purposeful relationships with Pepperdine people all over the world.

Build your connections

Invest in Your Alma Mater

Join the Graziadio Executive Associates, a special donor program for our students and alumni, and you can direct your gift to the program of your choice including career development, Dean's Excellence Fund, Education to Business (E2B), entrepreneurship and more. In addition to supporting key initiatives, you will be recognized by the University for your leadership and legacy. For more information, contact Brittany D. Sorrentino at 310.506.6718 or or donate to the Graziadio Business School here

Refer a Student

The Graziadio School requests your help in referring top-quality students to the school. As an alumnus, you can best identify prospective students who are aligned with our mission: to develop values-centered leaders and advance responsible business practice. We are pleased to extend a $2,500 scholarship to friends who you refer to the program. Please support our initiative to bring top-quality students into our program and enhance the value of your degree.

Refer a student

Attend Events

Each year the Graziadio School hosts hundreds of professional seminars, career workshops, alumni panels, student club events, social networking nights, breakfast roundtables, webinars, and other activities – not to mention the many events hosted by the other Pepperdine schools, the Pepperdine University Alumni Association and partner organizations and universities that invite you to come, learn and network. Bookmark the Pepperdine event calendar today.

Graziadio School alumni events
Pepperdine University alumni events


Participate in Online Networking

Our official LinkedIn and Facebook pages are adding new members every day. Take part in the online conversation and network with classmates and new friends from all industries and walks of life.

Online networking opportunities


Make Waves as a Graziadio Social Media Ambassador

Calling all Graziadio alumni! We’re looking for dedicated alums to advance the reputation of the Graziadio Business School as aSocial Media Ambassadors. As an ambassador, you’ll be tasked with sharing our content on your social channels, boosting alumni affinity, building new Graziadio connections, and more! As a bonus, you will receive advance notification of upcoming events and alumni activities. 

What are the requirements and eligibility? 

As a Graziadio Social Media Ambassador, you’re a direct representation of our Best for the World Leader’s mission. Ambassadors must follow a code of conduct to appropriately and professionally represent themselves on behalf of Graziadio.


Meet Our Current Alumni Ambassadors

Karleton Helfer (BSM ‘96 )

Karleton Helfer
BSM '96

Geoff Koboldt (MBA ‘03)

Geoff Koboldt
MBA '03

Gautam Shah (MBA 17‘, PKE 138)

Gautam Shah
MBA '17, PKE 138

Malibu CampusChenxi (Irene) Xie
MSGB '14

Amy Towner MBA ’18, PKE 139Amy Towner
MBA ’18, PKE 139


Ready to Make Waves?

Submit your interest using the form below! Select “Social Media Ambassador” in the section “Which Graziadio Alumni Network (GAN) involvement area(s) would you like to learn more about?” (Please check all that apply)