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Pepperdine | Graziadio Business School

Navigating Your Career in a Virtual World

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Join us for the next session of our exclusive six-part series designed to assist you with virtually navigating and landing your next career. Each session is 60-90-minutes and will run now through December, 2020. Sessions include insights from esteemed faculty, fellow alumni leaders, career professionals, and industry experts. You will be provided with an opportunity to dialogue about how to leverage your skills and strengths as well as participate in facilitated high-speed virtual networking.

Register to attend all of the upcoming sessions or choose the sessions most suitable for you.

The unprecedented global pandemic continues to have more of our Graziadio alumni working from home, possibly looking for new opportunities, seeking a transition in their career, or refreshing their skills to re-invent themselves. Join us for our second exclusive six-part series to assist you with virtually maneuvering your career. Each session will be 60 to 90-minutes and will run from February to July, 2021. Sessions will include insights from esteemed faculty, fellow alumni leaders, career professionals, and industry experts. Register to attend all six sessions or choose the sessions most suitable for you.

State of the Global Economy

Session One

In the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic, our world has faced an unparalleled economic collapse. More than six-months later, has the economy turned around? Is the labor market recovering and growing faster than expected? Has the collapsed job market rebounded? Esteemed faculty from the Graziadio Business School are here to provide information and insight.



The Power and Practice of Your Pitch

Session Two

Developing a rock-star pitch is essential to landing your dream job! Join us for an interactive session to learn to pitch yourself to through confidence and unlock the next steps in your career journey.



Innovative Tips for Growing Your Professional Network

Session Three

Learn innovative tips to create and maintain your professional network with other business professionals who can help you further your career and build your personal brand while cultivating healthy business connections.



Ignite Yourself as an Influential Leader

Session Four

The business world is in a constant state of chaos and now more than ever needs leaders who have an increased level of self awareness and lead with compassion, empathy, and influence. Learn key insights to understand your leadership style, unlock your self-awareness, and how to ignite yourself as an influential leader with the capacity to lead effectively.



Industry Roundtables with HR Leaders on Top Trending Job Markets

June 17  |  NOON - 1:00 PM PDT

Learn about the fastest growing industries in America and what professions have the highest projected employment growth by 2024. Find out from HR leaders what industries are seeking, resources are available to you during your career search: online search tools, Graziadio Alumni Network resources, social media groups, career and professional development books, articles and publications, professional associations, and more.

Video link coming soon.



Building Connections through High Speed Networking

July 15 | NOON - 1:30 PM PDT

Join Graziadio alumni industry experts as they discuss innovative and effective techniques to network. Make new connections with your Graziadio community through an interactive high-speed networking mixer. All members of the Graziadio community are invited to attend.

The unprecedented global pandemic has more of us working from home, possibly looking to make a major career change and reposition our careers, or refresh skills that may be dormant. Join the Graziadio Alumni Network in a six-part webinar series, "Navigating Your Career in a Virtual World", to assist you with virtually maneuvering your career. Each session  will be 90-minutes and will run from July to December, 2020. Sessions will include insights from fellow alumni and career experts, discussions on leveraging your personal talents and networking opportunities. Register to attend all six sessions or choose the sessions most suitable for you.

Navigating Your Career in a Virtual World

July 28 | 12:00-1:30PM PDT

We encourage you to listen to the first session 'Navigating Your Career in a Virtual World: US Economic Outlook', featuring David Smith, PhD, Graziadio professor of economics and associate provost for online programs and Brandon Parsons, MA, MBA, Graziadio practitioner instructor of economics.



Leveraging your Strengths as a Career Differentiator

August 19 | 12:00-1:30PM PDT

Until the end of the last century, psychology was one-sided, centered primarily on what was wrong with people. Conventional wisdom and office policies focused on where employees were lacking and worked to shore up weaknesses. Fortunately, Dr. Don Clifton, a forward thinking man who believed in the power of research and individual excellence, spent more than 40 years of his life studying successful people. His work culminated in the identification of 34 talent themes that provide a workplace lexicon for understanding the patterns around how we think, feel, and behave on a regular basis. Just knowing the top talents for yourself and others is powerful. Learning how to intentionally grow and apply these talents is priceless. Those who learn to create teams that leverage these talents, however, will be in perpetual demand in the workplace.



Creating and Selling Your Personal Brand in a Virtual World

September 23 | 12:00-1:00PM PDT

Join your Graziadio Alumni Network along with faculty, students and staff, and learn how to create your personal brand to help you stand out from the competition. Explore ways to define who you are, what you do, and how to present yourself, both online and offline, to the world. Tune in as branding experts share the best ways to promote your personal brand, values, experiences, and strengths, while leveraging your virtual network. All members of the Graziadio Community are invited to attend.



What Skills and Experience Industries are Seeking

October 27 | 12:00-1:00PM PDT

Join your Graziadio Alumni Network along with faculty, students and staff as industry professionals share market and hiring trends of various industries. Learn what job markets are hot and which ones are not, as-well-as what transferable skills are in high demand. Learn how to apply your talents in a volatile market and how you can prepare yourself for a sustainable career. All members of the Graziadio Community are invited to attend.



The Graziadio Guide to Transitioning Your Career

November 11 | 12:00-1:30PM PDT

Join your Graziadio Alumni Network along with faculty, students and staff as you are guided through the career transition process by career professionals. Alumni will share their stories and lessons learned on how they succeeded in their industry and/or function career transition. Also learn about the Graziadio career resources and tools that are available to Graziadio alumni and how to leverage them in your transition.

There will be an interactive workshop portion of the event where career coaches will guide you through designing a road map to landing your dream career opportunity and answer your questions. All members of the Graziadio Community are invited to attend. 



High-Speed Networking: Featuring Industry Roundtables

December 2 | 12:00-1:30PM PDT

Join your Graziadio Alumni Network along with faculty, students and staff, to discover innovative and effective techniques to network and to participate in industry roundtables to meet and make connections with experts and others in your industry. Since over 90% of jobs are found via networking this is one session a career seeker or transitioner should be sure to attend. All members of the Graziadio Community are invited to attend.