Prospect Heights

Hoax: Video of banner of Iran’s Khameini on BK Museum is fake

June 26, 2024 Brooklyn Eagle Staff
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PROSPECT HEIGHTS — A VIDEO SHOWING protesters hanging a large banner featuring Iranian leader Ali Khameini on the front of the Brooklyn Museum is a hoax, reports Reuters. The several-story-tall banner, which shows an image of Khameini along with text reading “Supreme Leader thanks you American boys and girls!” was digitally added to video clips captured by onlookers at a contentious May 31 protest outside the museum. Museum staff confirmed that the video was fake. Activists hung a smaller banner from the museum’s facade reading “Free Palestine — divest from genocide” during the protest, occupied its lobby and made demands for the museum to disclose any benefactors who have investments in Israel. Police made 29 arrests, according to the NYPD.

Two weeks after the protest, unknown vandals threw red paint at the Brooklyn Heights home of Brooklyn Museum board director Anne Pasternak, as well as hanging a sign referring to Pasternak as a “white-supremacist Zionist.” Police are investigating the incident.
