
Dear Dot

Dear Dot: Which Is Worse for the Planet — Food Miles or Food Waste?

Dear Dot,  My eldest child signed up for Misfits Market, hoping to help reduce food waste. They were surprised to see items like strawberries and avocados on the list of available items, given that they live in New York State. One wonders whether the negative environmental impact of packaging and...

More Advice

Brooklyn Bird Watch: Royal Tern

The Royal Tern is part of a family of large, noisy shorebirds called Laridae. I shot this picture of a Royal Tern making loud...

“Panel” Discussion: Your Questions About Solar Answered

Whether you’re motivated out of concern for the environment or just want to keep your “utilities” money in your pocket, solar panels are increasingly...

Flight School: How to Reduce Your Eco-Impact from Flying

Wondering how to choose an eco-friendly flight? Bluedot Living's Leslie Garrett shares her best tips for greening up your travel game: Fly less. Seriously. When...