+ Gig economy

Although separate from the sharing economy and specifically the sharing accommodation issues covered in the main menu tab  “Sharing Economy” above, the gig economy is also of reverence in that some aspects impact on the visitor economy directly, for example, transport and in particular private hire licensing.  There are also cross cutting issues, for example, employment conditions and the disruptive nature of the new business models and, therefore, the consequential and growing calls for more regulatory controls upon them.

The Westminster Government’s Sep 2018 report helps define the characteristics of the gig economy:  2018 The_characteristics_of_those_in_the_gig_economy

The latest articles illustrating some of the concerns include:

10 Jul 2022: Uber broke law, duped police and secretly lobbied governments, leaks reveals

17 Mar 2021: Uber agrees to classify UK drivers as workers entitled to benefits

21 Feb 2021: Uber ‘could face £2bn VAT bill’

20 Feb 2021: Uber drivers are workers not self-employed, Supreme Court rules

22 Jul 2020: Supreme Court asked to decide whether Uber drivers are workers

28 May 20: Coronavirus: Gig economy workers ‘fall between cracks’

9 Feb 2020: Takeaway food companies use more than a BILLION plastic trays, lids and bags every year, new figures suggest

20 Jan 2020:  Uber’s Birmingham licence in limbo

25 Nov 2019:  Uber loses licence to operate in London

16 Oct 2019: Amazon’s massive investment in food delivery startup Deliveroo faces further delays thanks to a formal antitrust probe

24 Sep 2019:  Uber’s London licence renewed for two months

11 Sep 2019: Uber Lays Off Hundreds More Workers (in US HQ) as It Struggles to Make Money

11 Sep 2019: California passes historic gig economy rights bill

7 Aug 2019:  Gig workers entitled to holiday pay after court ruling

23 Jul 2019: Madrid Court Rules Deliveroo Couriers Are Employees, Not Freelancers

4 July 2019: Ola get London Licence and plan to launch services in September

27 Jun 2019: ‘Shocking’ fake takeaway sold on Uber Eats

20 May 2019: HMRC opens Uber investigation

16 May 2019: French ride-hailing app Kapten to launch in London, take on Uber

10 May 2019 :  Uber shares tumble 7% on stock market debut

1 May 2019:  Uber’s London data grab hints at a future subscription service

18 Mar 2019: Hola London: Ola’s expansion into the UK

4 Feb 2019:  Hermes couriers entitled to holiday pay and minimum wage after ‘groundbreaking’ gig economy deal

28 Sep 2018  Uber drivers happier than employees, new study shows

8 Aug 2018: New York City Caps Uber and Lyft Vehicles in a Crackdown

7 Aug 2018: Indian ride-hailing service Ola plans UK expansion

6 Aug 2018:  Deliveroo’s substitute courier policy called into question

26 Jun 2018:  Uber wins 15-month probationary licence to work in London

26 Jun 2018:  Uber granted short-term licence to operate in London

1 May 2018:   Uber licence renewal in Brighton turned down

1 May 2018:  Uber has sought to reform as it faces London ban, court told

20 Dec 2018:  Uber is officially a cab firm, says European court

13 Dec 2017:  York becomes third UK city to ban Uber